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法警轻轻按动了自动注射泵后,药液进入了乔本平的动脉,其呼吸慢慢停止……脑电波从浪线变成了直线……2004年8月31日上午,经最高人民法院核准,原吉林省国际经济贸易开发公司副总经理乔本平因犯贪污罪、受贿罪、挪用公款罪被执行死刑。死刑采取注射方式执行。乔本平,男,1945年6月22日出生,汉族,吉林省梨树县人,大学文化,原系吉林省国际经济贸易开发公司副总经理,原中国人民政治协商会议吉林省第八届委员会委员,曾任吉信丰达经贸有限公司经理。乔本平自1984年调入吉林省国际经济贸易开发公司,1987年开始担任部门负责人,1995年担任副总经理,长期从事外贸进出口业务,至1998年,其个人经手资金总量已达到2亿多元人民币,主要用于进口贸易。1998年5月14日,乔本平因涉嫌挪用公款罪被拘留,同年5月28日被逮捕。2000年12月19日,吉林省长春市中级人民法院作出一审判决,宣判后,被告人乔本平不服,提起上诉;2003年8月15日,吉林省高级人民法院作出二审判决,并依法报请最高人民法院核准。经复核,最高人民法院于2004年8月12日,裁定核准吉林省高级人民法院以贪污罪判处乔本平死刑,剥夺政治权利终身,并处没收个人全部财产;以受贿罪判处无期徒刑,剥夺政治权利终身,并处没收个人全部财产;以挪用公款罪判处有期徒刑15年,决定执行死刑,剥夺政治权利终身,并处没收个人全部财产。乔本平一案是吉林省建国以来最大的贪污、受贿、挪用公款案,涉案金额达到1455.2万元,涉及海外,空间跨度大,涉案数额大。这也是吉林省首次对贪官适用注射死刑。 Bailiff gently press the auto-injection pump, the liquid into the arteries of Joe Boping, its breathing stopped ... ... brain waves from the waves into a straight line ... ... August 31, 2004 morning, approved by the Supreme People's Court Qiao Benping, former deputy general manager of Jilin Province International Economic and Trade Development Corporation, was executed for committing crimes of embezzlement, accepting bribes, embezzlement of public funds. The death penalty to take injection method execution. Qiao Benping, male, born on June 22, 1945, Han nationality, Lishu County, Jilin Province, university culture, formerly the deputy general manager of Jilin Province International Economic and Trade Development Corporation and former member of the Eighth Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference of Jilin Province, He served as manager of Jixin Fengda Trade Co., Ltd. Qiao Benping was transferred to Jilin International Economic and Trade Development Corporation since 1984, and has been the head of department since 1987. He served as the deputy general manager in 1995 and has long been engaged in the import and export business of foreign trade. By 1998, the total amount of personal handling funds has reached 200 million Multi-yuan, mainly for import trade. On May 14, 1998, Qiao Benping was detained on suspicion of embezzling public funds and was arrested on May 28 of the same year. On December 19, 2000, the Intermediate People's Court of Changchun City, Jilin Province, delivered the verdict of the first instance. After the verdict was handed down, the defendant Qiao Benping refused to accept the suit and appealed. On August 15, 2003, the Higher People's Court of Jilin Province issued the second instance verdict and reported the Supreme People's Court in accordance with the law Court approved. Upon review, on August 12, 2004, the Supreme People's Court ruled to approve the Jilin Provincial Higher People's Court to convict the death penalty and embezzlement of political rights for embezzlement and confiscate all the personal property, sentenced him to life imprisonment and deprived of political rights Life imprisonment and confiscation of all personal property; sentenced to 15 years imprisonment for embezzlement of public funds, execution of the death penalty, deprivation of political rights for life and confiscation of all personal property. The case of Qiaoben Ping was the largest case of embezzlement, bribery and misappropriation of public funds since the founding of the People's Republic of China in Jilin Province. The amount involved was up to 14.552 million yuan, involving a large space span and a large amount of involved. This is also the first time that Jilin Province has applied the death penalty to corrupt officials.
听说读写不仅是语文教学的任务,在数学教学中,培养学生听说读写能力,养成良好的听说读写习惯,也是一个值得重视的问题。以下笔者根据自己的教学经验略作总结,以求抛砖引玉。  一、“听”是思维的转化过程  “听”是学生获得信息的最初环节,学生通过听接收信息,然后进行思维加工、理解,将问题转化为数学思维下的数字关系。我们在教学中也可以引申到学生如何实现思维的转化,运用数学思维与教师的教学产生互动。  教师要
名作简介:《蛙》以新中国近60年波澜起伏的农村生育史为背景,通过讲述从事妇产科工作五十多年的乡村女医生姑姑的人生经历,在形象描述国家为了控制人口剧烈增长、实施计划生育国策所走过的艰巨而复杂的历史过程的同时,成功塑造了一个生动鲜明、感人至深的农村妇科医生形象;并结合计划生育过程中的复杂现象,剖析了以叙述人蝌蚪为代表的知识分子卑微、尴尬、纠结、矛盾的精神世界。  小说结构新颖而缜密,由剧作家蝌蚪写给日