
来源 :上海医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xingke198621
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为了共同商讨如何根据医药的特点贯彻上海市商业工作会议精神,以及如何结合上海市的具体情况贯彻好全国医药管理局长会议和全国中医药工作厅局长会议的精神,上海市医药管理局日前召开了医药商业工作会议。会上沛医药管理局副局长张瑶华作了题为《深化医药流通改 In order to jointly discuss how to implement the spirit of Shanghai’s commercial work conference according to the characteristics of medicine, and how to implement the spirit of the meeting of the Director-General of the National Pharmaceutical Administration and the Director-General of the National Office of Chinese Medicine, the Shanghai Pharmaceutical Administration recently convened Pharmaceutical Business Conference. Zhang Yaohua, deputy director of the Pei Medicine and Pharmaceutical Administration, made a speech entitled "Deepening the Circulation of Pharmaceuticals
为保证出口电子产品质量,促进出口,国家商检局和电子部联合制定《出口电子产品质量许可证管理办法》。 凡实施质量许可证的出口电子产品,企业在出口前须按有关规定 In orde
On June 22nd,Caldic Link Silica(Shandong)Co.,Ltd.held an open-ing ceremony in Linqu,Shandong province.The company is a joint venture funded by Caldic of the Ne
┏━━━━┳━━━━━━━━━┳━━━━━━━━━┳━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┳━━━━━━━━━┓┃ 序号 ┃ 国别 ┃ 地点 ┃ 展(博)览会名称 ┃ 展出时间 ┃
产品名称及规格计量单位零售价格(元)调前调后6.00 3.60 3.40 2.4010.001.30 2.OO 3.3032.0024.30 5.00 4.40洁霉素针10X lml 20万u葡萄糖针j×20ral 50%葡萄糖针5X20ral 25%异
国内生产严重衰退,近期难有起色;进口货垄断市场,供化不足限制需求增长。 The domestic production has been severely declining, and there has been little improvement
虽有成绩,但实在汗颜 二重集团公司的出口创汇始于1979年,但真正有规模、形成一定气候的是从1985年开始。10年来,累计完成出口创汇3169万美元,平均每年300万美元左右。出口