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在依法治国为时代主旋律的当今,要打破领导干部“能吏巨腐”怪圈,需要建设法治政府、善治政府和德治政府。2015年1月4日晚,改版后的中央纪委监察部网站及其客户端同时发布消息:“江苏省委常委、南京市委书记杨卫泽涉嫌严重违纪违法,目前正接受组织调查。”这是今年首个被查的省部级官员。杨卫泽34岁便担任江苏省交通厅副厅长、党组成员,被舆论认为是一名前途无量的领导干部。2011年杨卫泽主政南京后,进行了大刀阔斧的改革,给南京官场留下了“有能力”的印象。 In today’s rule of law governing the theme of the times, it is necessary to break the line of leading cadres and “corrupt officials.” We need to build a government ruled by law, a government with good governance and a government ruled by virtue. On the evening of January 4, 2015, the revised website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection Commission and its client also released the following message: “Yang Weize, member of the Standing Committee of Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and secretary of Nanjing Municipal Party Committee, is suspected of being seriously violating discipline and law and is currently under investigation by the organization.” This year’s first provincial and ministerial officials were investigated. 34-year-old Yang Weize served as deputy director of the Department of Communications of Jiangsu Province, member of the party group, was public opinion that is a promising leading cadres. After Yang Weize came to power in Nanjing in 2011, he carried out a drastic reform that left the impression of “capable” in Nanjing’s officialdom.
Gevork Vartanyan,who has diedaged 87,workedforSoviet intelligencefo,more than halfa centuryandplayed an important part in thwarting a Nazi plot to assassinate C
(93)财工字第214号 1993年6月11日国务院有关部门,各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市财政厅(局): 为了贯彻落实《企业财务通则》,做好新老制度的衔接转换工作,财政部颁发了
论述了在沙漠公路边缘公路建设中该如何进行环境保护的有效方法。 Discusses the effective ways to protect the environment in the highway construction on the edge of
简要介绍了国外红外焦平面相关技术的发展情况。 Briefly introduced the development of foreign infrared focal plane related technology.