坚持“人民电业为人民” 树立崭新的行业风貌

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今天很高兴来参加昆明供电局推行社会服务承诺制,深化行风建设新闻发布会。从了解和看到的情况,使我感到云南省委、省政府、省纪委和有关部门以及市委、市政府的领导对云南电力系统的工作十分重视相支持。特别是省委副书记、副省长李嘉廷同志亲临会议指导工作,无疑会大大帮助和促进昆明供电局社会服务承诺制的推行,值此机会,我代表驻电力部纪检组、监察局,电力部纠风领导小组向省市领导的大力支持表示衷心的感谢! 实行社会服务承诺首先是由烟台建委系统发起的。社会服务承诺制的推行,促进了企业服务水平的提高,为人民群众解决一些实际困难,受到人民群众的称道,在社会上引起很大反响。国务院纠风办及时总结了烟台市建委承诺制的经验并报告了国务院和 Today it was a great pleasure to attend the Kunming Power Supply Bureau to implement the social service commitment system and deepen the press conference for the construction of the wind. From what I have learned and seen, I feel that the leaders of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial Government, the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and related departments, as well as the municipal party committee and the municipal government attach great importance to the work of Yunnan’s power system. In particular, Li Jiating, deputy secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and deputy governor, personally attending the conference and guiding work will undoubtedly greatly help and promote the implementation of the social service commitment system of the Kunming Power Supply Bureau. On this occasion, I will represent the Ministry of Power Discipline Inspection Group, the Supervision Bureau, and the Ministry of Electric Power. The Guiding Leading Group expressed sincere gratitude to the provincial and municipal leaders for their strong support! The implementation of social service commitments was first initiated by the Yantai Construction Committee system. The implementation of the social service commitment system has promoted the improvement of the service level of enterprises, solved some practical difficulties for the people, was praised by the people, and caused great repercussions in society. The State Council Corrective Office timely summed up the experience of the Yantai City Construction Committee’s commitment system and reported to the State Council and the State Council.
吉林森林工业集团是1994年初组建并开始运作的。现有成员单位26个,职工13万人,总人口27万人。经营面积139.5万 hm~2,其中有林地面积114.2万 hm~2,活立木总蓄积1.57亿 m~3。
近期与台湾水泥界人士接触,得到他们的介绍,现将有关台湾水泥生产情况介绍如下: 1994年台湾共生产各类水泥2343.2万吨,较1993年的产量2476万吨下降了5.36%。1994年进口水泥43
ZQ-970新型粘合剂,武汉工业大学材料学院涂料化工研究组研制。这种粘合剂,外观为乳白色,固含量45%左右。粘度,大于60 s/25℃(涂-4杯测)。抗冻性,-2℃,48 h不冻。原材料成本9
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