
来源 :花木盆景(花卉园艺) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:leimu438
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盆花植物要经修剪与整形,才能成为精品,提高观赏价值。一、修剪:修剪时间一般以休眠期或生长开始时或结合换盆进行。也可按花卉开花习性考虑,如在当年生枝条上开花的扶桑、倒挂金钟、卅子花等,可在春季重剪;而对只在2年生枝条上开花的杜鹃、山茶等,不能在早春短剪,否则花芽被剪掉,故应在花后短剪,促侧枝增多,为来年增加着花部位作准备;对果实无观赏价值的花卉,如月季、紫薇等,在花后及早将残花剪去,以免浪费营养而影响再次开花。每年修剪时,应作长远打算,仔细考虑留枝的长短、疏枝的部分等,讲究树形美、艺术美。修剪要掌握促使枝条分布均匀,疏密有致的原则,对交叉的枝条和病、伤、枯、弱枝条应一并剪除,对修剪时有白浆流出的大戟科、夹竹桃科植物,可用炭末粉或草木灰擦除。修剪要用锋利的枝剪,剪口平滑向外成斜面并在芽上方约0.5厘米处。具体修剪方法有: Potted plants to be pruned and plastic, in order to become a boutique, improve ornamental value. First, pruning: pruning time is usually the beginning of dormancy or growth or in combination with basin. Flowers can also be used to consider the habit of flowers, such as annual branches of the flowering hibiscus, fuchsias, prickly heat, etc., can be cut in the spring; and only on the biennial branches flowering Rhododendron, Camellia, etc., can not be Short cut in early spring, or flower buds are cut off, it should short cut after anthesis, promote lateral branches increased for the coming year to increase the flower parts for the preparation; fruit without ornamental value of flowers, such as rose, crape myrtle early after anthesis Cut flowers cut, so as not to waste nutrition and affect the flowering again. During the annual pruning, long-term plans should be made, careful consideration should be given to the length of branches, thinning branches and so on, paying attention to tree-shaped beauty and artistic beauty. Pruning to grasp to promote the uniform distribution of branches, sparse and have the principle of the cross on the branches and disease, injury, dry and weak branches should be cut off, the pruning of white pulp out of Euphorbiaceae, Apocynaceae plants, Carbon powder or ash can be erased. Use a sharp pruning shears, the notch smoothly beveled outward and about 0.5 cm above the bud. Specific pruning methods are:
青花菜又名绿菜花、西兰花,其嫩茎和花蕾群为食用部分,每百克 V_c 含量高达114毫克,为花椰菜的1.4倍。自80年代初期在国内引种以来,倍受消费者青睐。但生长受季节限制,如果