Fusion of urban remote image based on multi-characteristics

来源 :Chinese Optics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zyf20011027
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A fusion approach is proposed to refine the resolution of urban multi-spectral images using the corresponding high-resolution panchromatic (PAN) images. Firstly, the two images are decomposed by wavelet transformation, and five texture features are extracted from high-frequency detailed sub-images. Then a multi-characteristics fusion rule is used to merge wavelet coefficients from the two images according to the extracted features. Experimental results indicate that, comparing with the non-characteristic methods, the proposed method can efficiently preserve the spectral information while improving the spatial resolution of the urban remote sensing images. A fusion approach is proposed to refine the resolution of urban multi-spectral images using the corresponding high-resolution panchromatic (PAN) images. Firstly, the two images are decomposed by wavelet transformation, and five texture features are extracted from high-frequency detailed sub -images. Then a multi-characteristics fusion rule is used to merge the wavelet coefficients from the two images according to the extracted features. the spatial resolution of the urban remote sensing images.
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