吉椒9515 由吉林省蔬菜花卉科学研究所培育而成的最新杂交组合,现已进行示范推广。该杂交品系植株生长势强,株高60—70厘米,株幅平均60厘米,株型半开张。果为羊角形,绿色,果长17—20厘米,横径2.7厘米左右,单果重35—45克。生育期123天,属中晚熟半辣型杂种,公顷产量6万公斤左右。高抗辣椒病毒病,抗辣椒疫病能力也优于其它品系。吉椒9515尖椒适于露地栽培,在我省气候条件下采用温床育苗,一般在3月初播种,5月中下旬晚霜过后定植于露地。亩施优质
Jilin 9515 by the Jilin Province Institute of vegetable and flower science from the latest hybrid combination, has now been demonstration and promotion. The hybrid plants grow strong, height 60-70 cm, average width of 60 cm, plant type and a half. If the fruit is a crescent, green, fruit length 17-20 cm, about 2.7 cm in diameter, fruit weight 35-45 grams. The growth period of 123 days, is a mid-late-maturing half-spicy hybrids, hectare output 60,000 kilograms. High resistance to pepper virus disease, resistance to pepper disease is also superior to other strains. Ji pepper 9515 pepper suitable for open cultivation, in our province under the conditions of the use of hotbed nursery, usually in early March sowing, mid to late May late frost after planting in the open field. Mushi quality