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患者,男,46岁,因心慌,气促1年余就诊.查体:神清,一般情况良好,BP 21/12 kPa,听诊胸骨左缘可听及"双期杂音",心电图示左室增大,偶发室早.
INTRODUCTION Helicobaeter PYlori(HP)Plays an important role inthe uPPer digestive traet diseases.It can be dividedinto two main groups(toxie and non一toxieHP)ae
INTRODUCTION The hepatitis A virus specific immunoglobulin M(IgM)antibody is a specific serological marker forearly diagnosis of hepatitis A..At present,themeth
患儿男,16/12岁,因间歇性哭闹伴恶心,呕吐,无排便排气2d,发热1d,收住入院.体格检查:腹部膨隆,腹膜刺激征阳性,右侧阴囊内睾丸缺如.超声所见:右中下腹见7.3 cm×5.1cm混合
AIM To investigate the changes of gastricmucosal ascorbic acid secretion in patients withnonulcer dyspepsia and the effect of gastrin onit,and to relate any obs
AIM: To study preliminarily the properties of myosin light chain kinase (MLCK) in rabbit liver.METHODS: The expression of MLCK was detected by reverse transcri