Transmission of the Chromosome 1R in Winter Wheat Germplasm Aimengniu and Its Derivatives Revealed b

来源 :Agricultural Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:love4898
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In order to clarify the transmission of the rye chromosome 1R in winter wheat germplasm Aimengniu and its derivatives, 17 derivatives and 7 types of Aimengniu were examined through molecular-marker technology. The results showed that the chromosome arm 1RS of Neuzucht was transmitted to 5 of the 7 types of Aimengniu, i.e., Aimengniu II and Aimengniu IV-Aimengniu VII, no segment of 1RS was identified in Aimengniu I or Aimengniu III. As for the 17 derivatives, the 1RS chromosome arm of Aimengniu was transmitted to 11 derivatives, part segments of 1RS were found in 1 derivative, while no segment was found in the remaining 5 ones. The results provided the evidence that molecular-marker technology was an efficient approach and suitable for analysis of the transmission of chromosome 1R. In order to clarify the transmission of the rye chromosome 1R in winter wheat germplasm Aimengniu and its derivatives, 17 derivatives and 7 types of Aimengniu were examined through molecular-marker technology. The results showed that the chromosome arm 1RS of Neuzucht was transmitted to 5 of the 7 types of Aimengniu, ie, Aimengniu II and Aimengniu IV-Aimengniu VII, no segment of 1RS was identified in Aimengniu I or Aimengniu III. As for the 17 derivatives, the 1RS chromosome arm of Aimengniu was transmitted to 11 derivatives, part of segments of 1RS were found in 1 derivative, while no segment was found in the remaining 5 ones. The results provided the evidence that molecular-marker technology was an efficient approach and suitable for analysis of the transmission of chromosome 1R.
探究是在学习高中数学过程中发现问题或者围绕某个数学问题,而自主探究的一种学习过程,在笔者几年的教学实践中,深刻地感觉到要根据不同的课型、不同的教学任务、不同的课堂目标,合理地有效地组织学生开展探究活动,教师要把握住一切可以探究的机会让学生探究,争取让探究成为数学课堂教学的一种常态,  一、在概念教学中的探究  数学概念教学是高中数学中最常见的一种课型,概念往往具有抽象性、学生理解上存在困难,对概念
消元是数学解题中一种常用的思想方法.适时,适当的消元能够很好的化简条件,理清思路,为整道题的突破奠定基础.笔者在教学实践中把它归纳成三个层次,阐述如下,贻笑大方.  一、下乘消元  下乘消元也就是单个消元,已知f(a,b) =0,研究g(a,b)=0.可利用字母a表示b,(或反之),后代人目标式进行消元,这种消元属于比较容易的类型.
数学归纳法是证明关于正整数n的命题的一种方法,常与数列、函数等知识结合一起考查,常以解答题的形式出现,具有一定的综合性和难度,属中高档题.  一、不用假设致误例1 用数学归纳法证明: