CIO的左手中如果是技术,右手里必须是业务,他的脑子里就是两者的融合物。不久前,本刊记者独家专访了S A P全球执行董事会成员、客户解决方案事业部总裁李艾科(LeoApotheker),双方就中国信息化进入拐点后,诸多IT负责人面临的新挑战和新困惑进行了探讨。这位与客户打了多年交道的
CIO left hand if it is technology, the right hand must be a business, his mind is the fusion of the two. Not long ago, our correspondent interviewed an exclusive member of SAP Global Executive Board and LeoApotheker, the president of Customer Solutions Group. The two sides discussed the new challenges and new confusions faced by many IT managers after China’s informationization entered the inflection point. This customer has been playing for years