Hi-End内涵的真实体现--ESOTERIC UX-1多功能碟机

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提起 ESOTERIC,许多读者朋友并不太熟悉,只有资深发烧友才知道这是一个高档Hi-End 品牌,在音频信号源、碟机设计上非常有功底,曾经推出过多款在音响业界留下佳话的重型转盘与解码器,以准确、精致、强劲的声音表现而令人难以忘怀。ESOTERIC 与 TEAC 的关系是什么样的呢?事实上,ESOTERIC 就是 TEAC 旗下的一个以高档影音产品定位的品牌,许多 TEAC 高级音响产品都是以 ESOTERIC 品牌率先推出,供应日本及欧美市场的。起源于1953年的 TEAC 最早开始从事的是音响产品的开发,重点是讯号源产品设计与开发。历史上 TEAC 最著名的产品无一不与讯号源密切相关,它们分别是 TD-102、A-450、R-7400RX 等供专业录音使用的录音机,TM-D8000数码调音台、P700/D700转盘与解码器等产品。如今,这些产品在古董音响市场仍身价不菲,从一个侧面也体现了 TEAC 优秀的设计与高的品牌含金量。而 TEAC 最新技术的体现者必然是 ESOTERIC,包括 VRDS 转盘也是于1987年最早在ESOTERIC 的第一台碟机 P1上应用的。 Lift ESOTERIC, many readers are not familiar with friends, only experienced enthusiasts know that this is a high-end Hi-End brand, audio source, the drive design is very solid, there have been many introduced in the audio industry to leave a story Heavy-duty turntable and decoder, with accurate, sophisticated, powerful sound performance and unforgettable. What is the relationship between ESOTERIC and TEAC? In fact, ESOTERIC is a brand of high-end audio and video products set by TEAC. Many advanced TEAC audio products are first introduced under the ESOTERIC brand and are supplied to Japan, Europe and the United States. Originated in 1953 TEAC earliest started in the development of audio products, the focus is on signal source product design and development. Historically, TEAC’s most famous products are all closely related to signal sources. They are TD-102, A-450 and R-7400RX tape recorders for professional recording, TM-D8000 digital mixing console, P700 / D700 turntable And decoders and other products. Today, these products are still expensive in the antique audio market, from one aspect also reflects the TEAC excellent design and high brand gold content. TEAC latest technology must be embodied by ESOTERIC, including the VRDS turntable is also the earliest in 1987 ESOTERIC first player P1 application.
目的 探讨5F TIG多功能导管在经桡动脉径路冠状动脉造影中的应用价值.方法 800例经桡动脉径路行冠状动脉造影的患者作为研究对象,根据患者选择的造影导管不同分为观察组(382
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创立于1953年的马兰士是一个充满传奇色彩的影音大厂,在电声技术上拥有大量的 HI-END 名器,时至今日依然屹立不倒,见证了影音发展史的无数光辉岁月。步入21世纪,马兰士不敢怠
每年4月举行的 SIAV(上海国际音响影视展览会暨高级 Hi-Fi 演示会)是音响商家和发烧友的盛宴。也许是为了弥补去年“非典”造成的冷清,今年(第12届)的这道音响大餐特别精美丰