保护地名遗产 传承历史文脉 挖掘旅游价值——关于承德地名文化建设工作的思考

来源 :环球人文地理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cuifangcuifang
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在当前文化旅游的热潮中,深入挖掘承德地名文化的‘根’与‘魂’,规范地名命名和更名,彰显承德文化底蕴,传承文化特色,对地名文化旅游资源进行创意包装和优化组合,将地名转化成极具吸引力的文化和旅游产品,对于提升承德文化形象内涵,推进国际旅游城市建设进程,推动经济的发展有重要意义。 In the current upsurge of cultural tourism, deeply dig ’root’ and ’soul’ of Chengde geographical names culture, standardize the naming and renaming of geographical names, highlight the cultural heritage of Chengde, inherit the cultural features, creatively package and optimize the combination of the cultural tourism resources of geographical names, The transformation of geographical names into attractive cultural and tourism products is of great importance to enhance the connotation of Chengde’s cultural image, promote the process of international tourism city construction and promote economic development.
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