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“你好,我们来啦!”9月10日之后,随着军列慢慢驶入呼和浩特火车站,辽宁、山东、河南、内蒙古籍新兵有序走下列车并向这个城市发出了第一声问候,内蒙古边防总队迎来了今年首批近600名新兵。训练接近两个月,他们中间,有这样一群“特种”兵格外惹眼,成为一抹浓浓的亮色,铺满整个训练场。8月16日,当征兵办体检组的工作人员告诉马辰,他的体检各项指标均达到合格时,马辰高兴地一把抱起在体检站外等待的母亲,激动地说:“我终于能当兵啦!” After September 10, as the army column slowly drove into Hohhot Railway Station, recruits from Liaoning, Shandong, Henan and Inner Mongolia ordered to leave the train in an orderly manner and sent out to the city Once greetings, Inner Mongolia Frontier Corps ushered in the first batch of nearly 600 recruits this year. Nearly two months of training, among them, there is such a group of “special” soldiers particularly eye-catching, as a touch of thick light color, covered the entire training ground. On August 16, when the staff of the PLA Physical Examination Team told Ma Chen that all the indicators of his medical examination had met the requirements, Ma Chen was happy to pick up the mother waiting outside the examination station and said with excitement: I finally can be a soldier it! "
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从2009年11月结婚到现在,我和老婆步入婚姻的殿堂已6年有余,在这2000多个日日夜夜里,我们的生活有吵吵闹闹、说说笑笑、起起伏伏。  西北驻训一年半,照料女儿很欣慰  婚后的第二年冬天,上天送来了我们爱情的第一份礼物。女儿出生的前3个月,由于任务的需要,我们部队整建制搬迁到西北某地驻训。刚到驻训地,在环境陌生和时间又不是很充裕的情况下,各项工作都要从头展开。显然,我没有太多的时间对身怀六甲的老
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Author combined G.Gombawith his work,put his life experiences and the changes of his personal view issues together,and divided his Subject Matters of creative n
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