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娄师白遗产继承案件涉及的财产主要有三类:第一房屋,第二画作、印章类等艺术品收藏,第三抚恤金,此外还涉及到了身份证明、死亡证明等属于证照类的物品,包括了普通人继承案件中的大部分物品。本案中,各方当事人最为关注的遗产其实是画作、印章等娄先生的个人作品和藏品等艺术品,但法院仅处理了极小一部分,也就是原被告各自承认自己持有的那些娄先生的画作。之所以这样判决,和法院的职能特点有关。法院是居中裁判当事人存在争议的财产权利,裁决的依据是当事人提供的证据,法院不能到当事人家中去搜查物品,一般也不能对查无下落的物 There are mainly three types of property involved in the case of the succession of the Lou Shibai inheritance: the first house, the second painting, the collection of seals and other works of art, and the third pensions. In addition, they also cover such items as certificates of identity and death certificates, including Ordinary people inherit most of the items in the case. In this case, the most concerned legacy of all parties is actually the personal works and collections of paintings by Mr. Lou, such as paintings and seals. However, the court only handled a very small part, that is, the defendants respectively admitted that they own Painting. The reason for such a decision is related to the functional characteristics of the court. Court is the center of the dispute between the parties in dispute the property rights, the ruling is based on evidence provided by the parties, the court can not go to the parties to search for items, generally can not check the whereabouts of the object
1、以秋为荣  如果说秋  是一个四十岁的女子  那么我以秋为荣  秋饱满而成熟的体态  风情万种的背影  如一支芊细袅袅的芦苇  在风中轻舞  四十岁的女子,定格的宿命  没有羞涩的语言  额头上刻画优雅的时光  从容地在大雁飞过的天空  静看云卷云舒  2、夜莲  让一切安静下来,让夜色  温柔婉约,让莲花开在天空下  让渐远的青春,回到最初爱情  远离碧蓝的流水,热烈的阳光  将蜕变成土的往
歌声消散  歌声消散,夜雨不知何时  已停歇,一束光从后面亮起  不久之后,又慢慢归于  黑暗。你在前方静立  脸庞纯净无比,我试着看清  你的眼睛,它们在我的梦里  弥漫着宝石的光明  想起  直到看见蝉蜕,直到  某个清晨听见一片蝉鸣  才忽然想起来,仲夏  已经来临,在这个雨水过于  丰沛的南方城市  低温和潮湿让很多人至今  尚未撤去床垫,它  多么像那些庄严而又盛大  的承诺,很多人知晓
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物以类聚,人以群分。即便是明星,也是需要朋友的,然而女生之间的感情难免有些微妙,毕竟“某某姐妹团闹不和”之类的新闻屡见不鲜。相对而言,男女之间一旦认定彼此的朋友身份,感情反而会更加坚挺。也许有人会说,男女之间怎么可能有纯洁的友情?但偏偏这几对的存在时刻都在验证着“男闺蜜”对于自己星路的重要性,令人不得不感慨,没有个把男闺蜜保驾护航,还真不敢来混迹娱乐圈呢。  他就是她的定海神针  作为看着《康熙来
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