,Decondensation behavior of DNA chains induced by multivalent cations at high salt concentrations:Mo

来源 :中国物理B(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:greattomliu
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Using molecular dynamics simulations and atomic force microscopy (AFM), we study the decondensation process of DNA chains induced by multivalent cations at high salt concentrations in the presence of short cationic chains in solutions. The typical simulation conformations of DNA chains with varying salt concentrations for multivalent cations imply that the concentration of salt cations and the valence of multivalent cations have a strong influence on the process of DNA decondensation. The DNA chains are condensed in the absence of salt or at low salt concentrations, and the compacted conformations of DNA chains become loose when a number of cations and anions are added into the solution. It is explicitly demonstrated that cations can overcompensate the bare charge of the DNA chains and weaken the attraction interactions between the DNA chains and short cationic chains at high salt concentrations. The condensation-decondensation transi-tions of DNA are also experimentally observed in mixing spermidine withλ-phage DNA at different concentrations of NaCl/MgCl2 solutions.
【摘要】沉浸式教学理论最早由美国芝加哥大学米哈里博士提出,他发现,当人不受外界干扰,完全沉浸在某种活动中时,往往能够产生一种非常越快的体验。这种体验在平时的生活中或许我们也越到过,心无旁骛,完全置身于正在进行的活动中,那种专注会让人感到非常愉悦。沉浸式理论近年来被运用到初中语文散文阅读教学中,对于强调认知及情感体验的散文阅读教学,沉浸式教学模式能够发挥其意想不到的作用。  【关键词】初中语文 沉浸
该试验应用浙江省农科院园艺所和南京农业大学园艺系共同研制的国产FCH(Floating capillary Hydroponic)设施,即浮板毛管水培设施于1996.12-1997.7首次在宁夏农林科学院蔬