以电气工程及自动化本科教学课程《电气测量》为教学本体,针对教学内容中解耦合干扰问题做了研究与教学分析,可以提高学生对于干扰因素的来源与解耦合方法的理解和学习,文章总结了《电气测量》学习内容中的干扰信号来源,结合分布式电容器与空间互感叙述了干扰产生的原理,分析了测量系统中降低电容及电感耦合的具体方法,同课本内容有机结合能够提高学生对于《电气测量》解耦合过程的理解与掌握,对一线的教育教学工作者具有借鉴价值。“,”This paper takes the teaching course“electrical engineering and automation undergraduate electrical measurement”as the teaching ontology in order to compensate some deficiencies in the anti-interference technique teaching in Electrical Meas-urement,this paper summarizes the typical sources of interference and clarifies generation mechanism of the inter- ference coupling by analyzing distribution capacitance and mutual inductance. Then,it summaries the method of reducing capacitive cou-pling and mutual inductance coupling in the layout design,as well as some commonly used anti-interference technique in electri-cal measurement. It is helpful for the teaching of Electrical Measurement.