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为完成新时期我军历史使命的迫切需要,在国防快速动员中达到持续、机动的后勤保障效果,作为人武系统应着眼于动员保障体系的跨越式发展,建立起符合当地特点、适应未来战争需要的后勤保障系统,从而实现国防动员后勤保障的现代化、信息化和数字化。着眼实战需要,确立现代化后勤建设新思路。信息化条件下战争的需要,是人武系统后勤现代化建设的根本目标,也是检验后勤保障能力的唯一标准。信息化、数字化是以精确保障为特征的崭新后勤保障形态,是推进后勤保障能力实现质的飞跃的“增化剂”。国防快速动员中,没有一个信息化的后勤,就不可能打赢一场真正意义上的信息化战争。所以说,人武系统在国防动员后勤建设和发展上,必须以科学发展观为指导,打破传统思维,改革动员模式,拓展发展空间,按照信息化战争的特点和要求。加快国防动员工作中后勤建设的转型。 In order to accomplish the urgent need of our army’s historic mission in the new era and to achieve sustained and mobile logistical support in the rapid mobilization of national defense, we should focus on the leapfrogging development of the mobilization and support system and establish a system that meets local conditions and is suitable for future wars. Need logistical support system in order to achieve modernization, informatization and digitization of logistics support for national defense mobilization. Focus on the needs of actual combat and establish a new thinking of modern logistics construction. The need for war under the conditions of informationization is the fundamental objective of the logistics modernization of the armed forces system and also the only criterion for testing the logistical support capabilities. Informationization and digitization are brand new forms of logistical support characterized by precise guarantees and are “enhancers” that promote the qualitative leap of logistic support capabilities. In the rapid mobilization of national defense, without an informationized logistics, it is impossible to win a truly informatized war. Therefore, on the construction and development of national defense mobilization logistics, the people-armed military system must take the guidance of the scientific concept of development, break the traditional thinking, reform the mobilization model, expand its space for development, and follow the characteristics and requirements of the information-based war. Accelerate the Transformation of Logistics Construction in the Work of National Defense Mobilization.
1984年,时值清明,贵州山雨纷纷,阴雨绵绵。  息烽快活岭的荒野中,一位身材瘦小、头发花白的老人在一座没有墓碑的坟头上,弯着腰,一根一根地拔去杂乱的野草。拔完后,他又来到旁边的一座坟头上继续拔。之后,他挖来一些黄土,轻轻地培在坟头上。做完这一切,他没有像往年一样立即离开,而是默默地站在那里,静静地凝视着眼前这两座一共埋有七人的坟墓,任凭雨水打湿他的衣襟。今年来扫墓,白发老人的心情和往年不大一样,
歌手简介: 没有任何音乐背景的Sophie Zelmani在十四岁的时候拥有了她的第一把吉它。差不多十年以后,她开始陆续将自己录制的小样寄给各家唱片公司。索尼公司第一个给她答复,1995年冬天,专辑打入流行榜第四名,不久便在瑞典和日本大卖她的柔和清澈的嗓音,给人一种甜而不腻的感觉。 从1995年以一曲“Always you”开始,这个来自北欧的瑞典的甜美清新邻家女孩Sophie Zelmani,便
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中国人民武装警察部队学院(简称武警学院),于1981年4月24日经国务院批准建立,为正军级单位,隶属中华人民共和国公安部。经过27年的办学实践,学院已发展成 The Chinese Peopl