Constraints of REE and trace elements of high-pressure-veins and host rocks in western Tianshan on o

来源 :中南工业大学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:alexzc1984
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The west Tianshan high-pressure(HP) metamorphic belt represents the paleosubduction mélange of paleozoic south Tianshan ocean between the Yili-central Tianshan and Tarim plates. High-pressure veins are extensively developed in this HP belt. Compared with normal mid-ocean ridge basalt(N-MORB), the high-pressure veins and host rocks are enriched in light rare earth elements(LREE) and incompatible elements. But high-pressure veins show a larger variation than host rocks in total REE abundance. On the trace element spidergram, all the samples are enriched in incompatible elements and show strong positive Pb anomaly relative to N-MORB. The array tendency lines of plots of the HP rocks have apparent slopes on diagram of m(Sr) vs m(Sr)/m(Zr), m(Li) vs m(Li)/m(Y) and m(Ce) vs m(Ce)/m(Pb), which indicates that the enrichment in LREE and incompatible elements relative to N-MORB of the HP-metamorphic rocks from west Tianshan is not attributed to magma evolution process of the protolith. High field strength elements, such as Nb, Ta, Ti, Zr and Hf, do not show negative anomaly relative to N-MORB, which is dissimilar to that of island arc basalts. Therefore, the enrichment in LREE and incompatible elements of the HP rocks is not attributed to the enrichment of the source of the protolith. The mass ratios of Rb to Ba, Ce to Pb, Nb to U and Ta to U of high-pressure veins and host rocks are intermediate of mid-ocean ridge basalt or oceanic island basalt and continental crust. The fluids in west Tianshan paleosubduction zones are mixtures of two sources, dehydration or devolatilization of host rocks and of subducted sediments.
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