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在这个低碳环保的大时代下,租车服务早已不再是什么新鲜事,无论在电视、网络还是户外广告中,总可以看到扑面而来的“租车”字样。当我第一次看见“易到用车”的名字时,首先感觉到的是新鲜和好奇,于是在去拜访易到用车创始人兼CEO周航先生前,我尝试着拨通了他们的服务电话。相比一些服务行业对费用和细节的隐晦态度,易到的客服人员要让人感觉舒服许多,除了帮助我选择合适的订车方式和车型之外,对每个我提出的问题也都给了细致解答,在我打算询价之前,客服人员已经计算好了费用和里程,并主动告知所有细节。在这次通话的过程中,我已经提前感受到了“用”的些许与众不同。车辆抵达之前,我收到了关于车型、车牌、司机等所有细节的短信提示,细致程度超乎我的想象。平时习惯了自驾出行,偶尔享受一次乘车,而且司机的服务也认真到位,隐约间我产生了一种“老板”的美妙感觉。“用”的魅力,再一次深入到我的心中。抵达易到用车总部,我见到了公司创始人兼CEO周航先生。他从1994年就开始自主创业,之前也有过在长江商学院学习 In this era of low-carbon and environmental protection, car rental services are no longer a novelty. Regardless of whether they are on television, on the Internet, or in outdoor advertising, you can always see the word “car rentals”. When I first saw the name of the “accessible car,” I first felt fresh and curious, so I tried to call them before visiting the founder and CEO of Zhou Yong, Mr. Zhou Hang. Service phone. Compared to some service industries’ veiled attitudes towards cost and details, the easy-to-reach customer service personnel feels much more comfortable. Apart from helping me to choose the right vehicle model and vehicle model, I also gave every question I asked. Detailed answers, customer service personnel have calculated the cost and mileage before I intend to inquiry, and took the initiative to inform all the details. In the process of this call, I have already felt a little different from using “” in advance. Before the arrival of the vehicle, I received a text message about all the details of the model, license plate, driver, etc., and the degree of detail was beyond my imagination. Usually used to travel by car, occasionally enjoy a ride, and the driver’s service is also in place, I vaguely produced a kind of “boss” wonderful feeling. “Use ” charm, once again deep into my heart. Arriving at the headquarters of Easy Access, I met Mr. Zhou Hang, founder and CEO of the company. He started his own business in 1994 and had previously studied at Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business.
随着9月的过去,通胀正在和气温一样逐渐趋冷。  看来一切正如大部分经济学家们预测的那样,7月会成为2011年单月物价的最高点,三季度则会是今年数据最高的季度。  但政府却并没有放松对物价的监管,一张大网正在编织。   这张网被国家发改委称之为“全国实时价格应急监测调查系统”(以下称“价格监测系统”),于2009年11月1日起开始试运行,计划用三年的时间完成全国物价监测系统。  国家发改委有关人士介
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