
来源 :上海第一医学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gzlongzhijian
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近年来,全国工业化促进了县、社、队办工业企业的发展,但劳动卫生服务跟不上发展的需要,存在问题也不少。本文报导了七一公社社队企业的劳动卫生调查。 工业企业数及职工数增长情况 七一公社共有12个生产大队,总人口为16,386人。1980年,在社队工业企业从事生产的职工为4,197人,占总人口25.6%。男性与女性的构成比为53.2%与46.8%。 1980年职工人数比1975年增长了146%,同期,工业企业数增加了60%,这说明社队工业企业迅速在扩大。 表1 1975—1980年社队工业企业数 In recent years, the industrialization of the entire country has promoted the development of industrial enterprises in counties, cities and counties. However, labor and health services can not keep up with the development needs and there are still many problems. This article reports on the labor hygiene survey of the commune and commune enterprises in the 71st Commune. Number of industrial enterprises and the number of employees 71 communes a total of 12 production brigades, the total population of 16,386 people. In 1980, the number of workers engaged in the production of industrial and commercial units in communes and brigades was 4,197, accounting for 25.6% of the total population. The ratio of male to female is 53.2% and 46.8% respectively. In 1980, the number of workers and staff increased by 146% over 1975, while the number of industrial enterprises increased by 60% over the same period. This shows that the industrial and commercial enterprises in the communes and social teams are rapidly expanding. Table 1 Number of commune-marketers industrial enterprises in 1975-1980
目的 分析评价五位一体康复管理模式在脑卒中患者中的应用效果.方法 选取2018年11月至2019年3月期间67例脑卒中患者,实施五位一体康复管理模,评价其实施效果.结果 干预后日常
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目的 评价经颅磁刺激治疗仪治疗抑郁症睡眠障碍的临床效果.方法 经我院伦理委员会批准后特别选取2018年1月至2019年1月于我院理疗科接受治疗的400例抑郁症睡眠障碍疾病患者作
百里9299平菇,遗传性状稳定,尤其是商品性好,粗放广谱,产量较一般常规品种高出50%以上,具有很高的推广种植价值。 一、特征特性 百里9299平菇双核菌丝体洁白、浓密、粗壮,生