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随着经济全球化的进一步加深,越来越多的中国商品开始走入国际市场。众所周知,商品之间的竞争不仅是产品质量的竞争、服务的竞争,更是企业形象的竞争、品牌的竞争。商标作为品牌的代表,是产品促销的关键因素,商标词的翻译在很大程度上决定着商品能否在国际市场上立足。中西方有着各具特色的文化传统,这种文化差异影响着汉语商标词的英译。一、中西方文化差异中西方由于历史的长期积淀,地理环境的不同,在社 With the deepening of economic globalization, more and more Chinese goods have started to enter the international market. As we all know, the competition among the products is not only the competition of product quality, the competition of service, but also the competition of enterprise image and brand. As a brand representative, a trademark is the key factor of product promotion. The translation of trademark words largely determines whether the products can gain a foothold in the international market. The Chinese and Western cultures have their own unique cultural traditions, which affect the English translation of Chinese trademark words. First, the cultural differences between China and the West Because of the long history of the accumulation of the West, the different geographical environment, in the community
目的 对珠三角部分地区生活饮用水中47种抗生素进行检测,并对检出的抗生素进行人群健康风险评估.方法 根据珠三角地区水源水分布特点、供水人口等因素,随机选择5个水厂采集出
强调记忆单词的重要性,对比德语APP记忆法与传统单词记忆法,分析使用APP记忆单词过程中所遇到的问题并提出相应解决方案。 Emphasizes the importance of memory words, com
目的 了解唐山市重点职业人群布鲁菌病(简称布病)发病的危险因素,为制定布病防控措施提供参考依据.方法 采用病例对照研究.选取2014年唐山市布病调查点重点职业人群布病筛查
The Al-5Ti-0.2C-based grain refiners with different contents of rare earth(RE) were successfully prepared via powder metallurgy and vacuum casting. The microstr