Measurement of ~2H(~(12)N, ~(13)O)n Angular Distribution and Determination of Astrophysical ~(12)N(p

来源 :Annual Report of China Institute of Atomic Energy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ilove19830517
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The evolution of massive stars with very low-metallicities depends critically on the amount of CNO nuclides which they produce. The 12N(p, γ)13O reaction is an important branching point in the rap processes, which are believed to be alternative paths to the slow αp process for producing CNO seed nuclei and thus could change the fate of massive stars. In the present work, the angular distribution of the The evolution of massive stars with very low-metallicities depends critically on the amount of CNO nuclides which they produce. The 12N (p, γ) 13O reaction is an important branching point in the rap processes, which are believed to be alternative paths to the slow alpha process for producing CNO seed nuclei and thus could change the fate of massive stars. In the present work, the angular distribution of the
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