海竿顶节上的走线环,通常是 用高强度的胶粘在竿梢上的。一旦遇到竿梢折断,走线环就很难取下,只能扔掉,废弃。下面就向大家介绍一种取下的方法: 将走线环中的塑胶部分拆下来,只剩下金属部分。然后点燃一支蜡烛,用尖嘴钳夹住走线环,烧其与竿体固定的位置。待温度升高后?
The loop on the top of the sea rod is usually glued to the rod tip with high strength. Once the tip of the rod is broken, the wire loop is hard to remove and can only be thrown away. Below to introduce a way to take off: remove the plastic part of the wire loop, leaving only the metal part. Then light a candle and hold the wire loop with a needle-nose pliers and burn it to a fixed position with the pole body. After the temperature rises?