The Experimental Study on the Effect Calcitonin Gene related Peptide on Bone Resorption Mediated by

来源 :Journal of Tongji Medical University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guobinlei
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To investigate the effect of calcitonin gene related peptide (CGRP) on bone resorption mediated by interleukin 1β(IL 1β) in vitro , the osteoclasts isolated from the long bones of newborn SD rats were co cultured with osteoblasts on ivory slices placed in 24 well plates . 24 h later, conditioned media containing CGRP and/or IL 1β were added to the wells respectively, and continued culturing for 48 h. After the cells were stripped off by ultrasonication, the ivory slices were stained in toludine blue. The number and the total area of resorption lacunae on each slice were measured by computer imaging analysis system. Our results showed that IL 1β significantly stimulated bone resorption, but CGRP inhibited the effect mediated by IL 1β in a dose dependent manner. It is suggested that CGRP may inhibit osteoclastic bone resorption through two ways: One is that CGRP functions directly on osteoclasts to block their activation; the other is that CGRP regulates the release of cytokines by osteoblasts and indirectly affects the function of osteoclasts. To investigate the effect of calcitonin gene related peptide (CGRP) on bone resorption mediated by interleukin 1β (IL 1β) in vitro, the osteoclasts isolated from the long bones of newborn SD rats were co cultured with osteoblasts on ivory slices placed in 24 well plates After 24 h later, conditioned medium containing CGRP and / or IL 1 β were added to the wells respectively, and continued culturing for 48 h. After the cells were stripped off by ultrasonication, the ivory slices were stained in toludine blue. The number and the total area of ​​resorption lacunae on each slice were measured by computer imaging analysis system. Our results showed that IL 1β significantly stimulated bone resorption, but CGRP inhibited the effect mediated by IL 1β in a dose dependent manner. It is suggested that CGRP may inhibit osteoclastic bone resorption through two ways: One is that CGRP functions directly on osteoclasts to block their activation; the other is that CGRP regulates the relea se of cytokines by osteoblasts and indirectly affects the function of osteoclasts.
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