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1933年秋冬,蒋光鼐、蔡廷锴、陈铭枢等十九路军将领响应中国共产党关于“在三条件下与全国各军队共同抗日”的号召,派代表与苏维埃政府和工农红军签订了《反日反蒋初步协定》(又称《抗日作战协定》),使十九路军成为第一个与红军实现三条件下合作抗日反蒋的国民党军队,为十九路军的历史增添了光荣的一章;随即,他们又联合国民党中李济深、陈友仁等一部分主张抗日反蒋的势力,在福州成立了“中华共和国人民革命政府”(通称“福建人民政府”).在福建人民政府期间,他们又多次派代表与苏维埃政府和红军谈判.对这段有意义的历史,过去涉及甚少、叙述欠详.近年来,我们查阅了一些史料,访问了一些老同志,现将我们了解的福建事变期间,十九路军与红军的几次谈判情况作一介绍. In the autumn of 1933, the generals of the 19th Route Army, including Jiang Guangtao, Cai Tingtai and Chen Mingshu, responded to the Chinese Communist Party’s call for “jointly fighting against the Japanese armed forces under various conditions” and sent representatives to the Soviet government and the Red Army of Workers and Peasants to sign the Anti- The initial agreement (also known as the “Anti-Japanese War Agreement”) made the 19th Route Army the first Kuomintang army to cooperate with the anti-Japanese and Chiang Kai-shek against Chiang Kai-shek under the three conditions established by the Red Army and added an honorable chapter to the history of the Nine Route Army. Immediately afterwards, they allied with the Kuomintang Li Jishen and Chen Youren and some other forces that advocated resistance against Japan and Chiang Kai-shek and established the “People’s Revolutionary Government of the People’s Republic of China” (commonly known as the “People’s Government of Fujian Province”) in Fuzhou. In addition, he sent representatives to negotiate with the Soviet government and the Red Army on many occasions. In the past, there was little or no reference to this meaningful history. In recent years, we have reviewed some historical materials and interviewed some old comrades. Now we know Fujian During the incident, the 19th Route Army made several briefings with the Red Army about the negotiations.
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