
来源 :无机化学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rongweihua
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In this paper, the molecular and crystal structures of the K3·5H2O(TTHA=triethylenetetraminehexaacetic acid)are given. The crystal data are as follows: monoclinic system, P21/c space group, a=1.0290(9)nm, b=1.2466(11)nm, c=2.279(2)nm, β=91.322(16)°, V=2.923(5)nm3, Z=4, M=860.67, Dc=1.956gcm-3, μ=3.217mm-1, F(000)=1720. The final R1 and wR2 are 0.0395 and 0.0796 for 5145 [I >2.0σ(I)] unique reflections and 0.0546 and 0.0833 for all 11567 reflections, respectively. In the title complex, the anion 3- has a nine coordination structure with distorted tricapped trigonal prism. A TTHA having four N atoms of amido groups and six O atoms of carboxylic groups acts as a enneadentate ligand with four N atoms and five O atoms. In addition, there is a free non coordinated carboxyl group ( CH2COO-) in the complex anion 3-. The free carboxyl group could be embellished by some biological molecules which have selectivity and affinity to tumor cell. Then the 166HoⅢ TTHA complex may become radioactive anti tumor drug having targeting function. In this paper, the molecular and crystal structures of the K3 · 5H2O (TTHA = triethylenetetraminehexaacetic acid) are given. The crystal data are as follows: monoclinic system, P21 / c space group, a = 1.0290 (9) nm, b = 1.2466 Β = 91.322 (16) °, V = 2.923 (5) nm3, Z = 4, M = 860.67, Dc = 1.956 gcm-3 and μ = 3.217 mm -1 , F (000) = 1720. The final R1 and wR2 are 0.0395 and 0.0796 for 5145 [I> 2.0σ (I)] unique reflections and 0.0546 and 0.0833 for all 11567 reflections, respectively. In the title complex, the anion 3- has a nine coordination structure with distorted tricapped trigonal prism. A TTHA having four N atoms of amido groups and six O atoms of carboxylic groups acts as an enneadentate ligand with four N atoms and five O atoms. carboxyl group (CH2COO-) in the complex anion 3-. The free carboxyl group could be embellished by some biological molecules which have selectivity and affinity to tumor cell. Then the 166HoⅢ TTHA complex may become rad ioactive anti tumor drug having targeting function.
一、概述 岩石之抗剪强度特性,是水工建筑物基础、围岩和岩质边坡进行稳定分析的重要指标.获得此指标的途径:一为现场岩体试验,一为室内岩块试验.近年来,国内研究了在室内用
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