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两年来席卷北美玩具市场的忍者龟旋风,迄今仍风靡世界,卷向欧洲、澳洲和日本以至内地。香港嘉禾公司耗资1.6亿港元拍摄的忍者龟电影第二集自3月中在北美3000多家电影院上映以来一直卖座不衰。票房纪录超过了奥斯卡大奖影片《与狼共舞》。去年忍者龟电影第一集居1990年世界卖座影片第三位,连同录象带等总收入高达10亿港元,看来第二集也不会少于10亿港元。忍者龟电影使嘉禾扬名海外,而忍者龟玩具则使彩星光芒四射,都为香港增光不少。接连两年,香港股市闪耀出一颗灿烂的工业股之星——彩星集团。尤其是去年,彩星集团以一家不太大的玩具商居然一年盈利12.17亿港元,比上年度激增6.3倍;股价年底收市升了8倍,遥居股市魁首(第二位的三泰升3倍多,而十大升幅股的其余八家公司都只升1倍多),连续两年夺冠,成为无可争议的股 In the past two years, the ninja turtle turmoil that has engulfed the North American toy market has so far swept the world. It has rolled to Europe, Australia, Japan, and the mainland. The second episode of the Ninja Turtle Film, which was shot at a HK$160 million investment by Hong Kong Golden Harvest, has been on the shelf since its release in mid-March in more than 3,000 cinemas in North America. The box office record exceeds the Oscar winning film “Dance with the Wolf.” Ninja Turtle Film last year ranked third in the world’s best-selling film in 1990. Together with video tapes and other total revenues of up to 1 billion Hong Kong dollars, it seems that the second episode will not be less than 1 billion Hong Kong dollars. The ninja turtle film made Jiahe famous overseas, and the ninja turtle toy made the color stars shine, all of which added a lot to Hong Kong. For two consecutive years, the Hong Kong stock market has sparked a splendid star of industrial stocks, the Color Star Group. In particular, last year, the Choi Sing Group actually made a profit of 1.217 billion Hong Kong dollars a year by a not-so-substantial toy trader, a sharp increase of 6.3 times from the previous year; the stock price rose by 8 times at the end of the year, and it was home to the stock market leader (second place in the Thai market). More than 3 times, while the remaining eight companies in the top ten stocks have only risen more than 1 times, won two consecutive years and become undisputed shares
目的探讨脑卒中并发急性肾功能衰竭 (ARF)的相关因素方法。方法多中心前瞻性研究 5 83例脑卒中患者 ,有关临床资料。结果 15 83例脑卒中患者并发 ARF 94例 (16 .12 % ) ,其中
本文叙述了心肺复苏过程主要指南及其变化,概括了基础生命支持及高级生命支持的流程,方法和原则,具有指导性和权威性。 This paper describes the main guidelines and chan