Real-time reflection imaging with terahertz camera and quantum-cascade laser

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A real-time reflection imaging employing a terahertz (THz) camera as the imager and a 3.9 THz quantum-cascade laser (QCL) as the light source is demonstrated. The imaging light is collected and guided by only one off-axis parabolic mirror. The imaging distance is about 1 m. THz images of a coin and a knife are acquired and analyzed. An actual spatial resolution with a value of about 0.33 mm is achieved.
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制备和研究了全氟取代的钛酞菁F16PcTiO及其轴向取代衍生物 F16PcTiO2PhCHO的线性和非线性光学(含光限幅)性能。与F16PcTiO相比,轴向取代的钛酞菁F16PcTiO2PhCHO的Q带最大峰 红移了7 nm。Z-扫描实验表明,无论在甲苯溶液中还是在氯仿溶液中,F16PcTiO都展现出比F16PcTiO2PhCHO更大的非线性吸收系数和低的饱和能量密度。F16PcTiO2PhCHO在氯仿溶液中的光限幅性能要明显优于其在甲苯溶液中的光限幅性能。与高度可溶的四叔丁基取代的钛酞菁(tBu4PcT
对于环境检测和高速光通信而言, 高性能紫外光电探测器是关键。利用气相沉积法在无催化剂条件下制备氧化锌纳米线网, 在纳米线网上直接制备光电器件的性能得到了提高。结果显示, 纳米线网光电探测器的光电流为60 ?滋A, 大约是单根纳米线光电器件光电流的15倍。详细讨论纳米线网光电探测器的响应机制发现, 在纳米线网内, 纳米线与纳米线之间的结势垒高度决定了纳米线内部载流子的传输。当紫外光照射纳米线网光电探测器时, 纳米线与纳米线之间结势磊高度的快速变低, 从而提高光电器件的性能。
A novel large-mode-area Bragg fiber (BF) is proposed for selectively suppressing the amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) of Yb. Confinement loss can be effectively lowered by adding a layer of F-doped glass near the core of this fiber. The BF can achieve