
来源 :空军政治学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuweidexin
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近年来,我们在干部管理中发现在一部分即将到龄和超龄军官受当前的社会因素、部队内部因素以及个人、家庭等因素的影响,产生了一些不稳定的现实思想问题,影响了工作和部队建设.一是因年龄杠杠是干部提升使用的一个重要因素,使部分即将到龄和超龄军官.考虑自己的进退去留,能否提职升级晋衔的多;二是因地方劳动人事制度和用人制度的改革,军官家属就业、军官转业安置有一定困难,心理不平衡,产生“晚走不如早走”的想法,降低工作标准,放松对个人的要求,工作主动性不强,作风松散,不愿参加集体活动,不愿遵守部队的规章制度,少数干部泡病号、闹转业,不参加部队的正常工作与训练,甚至休长假不返队.这些问题的存在,已经对干部队伍建设乃至部队的全面建设起了消极影响.为此,认真、扎实、过细地做好即将到龄和超龄军官的思想稳定工作是摆在各级党委、机关和基层党支部议事日程的一件大事,必须重视抓紧,抓好. In recent years, we found in cadre management that some of the over-aged and over-aged officers are affected by the current social factors, the internal forces of the armed forces, as well as personal, family and other factors, creating some unstable and real-world thinking problems that have affected the work and the troops Construction.One is because of the age bar is an important factor in promoting the use of cadres, so that some of the over-age and over-age officers.Considerating their own advance and retreat to stay, upgrade or upgrade their job titles; Second, due to local labor and personnel system and The reform of the employment system, the employment of officers and their dependents, and the demobilization of military officers have some difficulties. Their psychological imbalances have led to the idea of ​​“going evening than walking earlier”, lowering their work standards and relaxing their demands on individuals. Their work initiative is not strong and their working style is loose, Unwilling to participate in collective activities, do not want to comply with the rules and regulations of the armed forces, a handful of cadres soak up the number of sick, unemployed, not to participate in the normal work and training of the troops, and even leave the team on vacation. These problems exist for cadres and even troops The overall construction has played a negative impact.To this end, conscientiously, solidly and meticulously do well the work of ideological stability of the over-age and over-aged officers is to be placed Level Party committees, authorities and grass-roots party branches of procedure schedule a major event, must pay attention to seize, grasp.
当好莱坞女星拼命把自己塞进0号的裙子里时,波比·韦斯特利“坐拥”32号的巨型身材,还拿它赚了钱。  这个43岁的草根大妈网红有222公斤重,一条腿就有64公斤,包裹着层峦叠嶂的脂肪。很多中国网友在她的照片下留言:“我还没她一条腿重!”  更引人注意的是她的臀围——2.4米!只比目前世界上屁股最大的女人少10厘米。波比没办法坐一般的椅子,也只能在超市货架间慢慢移动。  那些信奉“管住嘴、迈开腿”的减
妙笔话兵圣 挥洒论兵经──读《孙子评传》沙丹反映一代兵圣孙武的生平及其兵学思想的佳作《孙子评传》已经面世。它是广西教育出版社出版发行的中华文化名人评传丛书兵家系