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通过在辽西半干旱区开展遮雨棚微区控制灌溉试验,分析了浅埋式滴灌不同灌溉定额对春玉米耗水特性、籽粒产量及水分利用效率的影响。结果表明:浅埋式滴灌玉米生育期耗水量呈波动变化趋势,在拔节-抽穗和灌浆-收获期阶段耗水量较大,阶段耗水强度较大值出现在拔节-抽穗和抽穗-灌浆期;随着灌溉定额的增加,不同处理间籽粒产量显著提高,产量构成要素中百粒重和穗粒数的显著增加是籽粒产量提高的主要原因;与常规沟灌对照相比,浅埋式滴灌灌溉定额为2908.0 m~3·hm~(-2)时,较常规沟灌节水30%,籽粒产量仅下降了3.4%,而水分利用效率和灌溉水利用效率显著提高,分别提高了22.1%和27.5%;籽粒产量与灌溉定额之间呈二次型抛物线关系,当灌溉定额小于3816.4 m~3·hm~(-2)时,籽粒产量随灌溉定额的增加而显著增加,直至达到最大产量12161.9 kg·hm~(-2);当大于3816.4m~3·hm~(-2)后,随着灌溉定额的增加籽粒产量有所降低。综合考虑产量、水分利用效率及灌溉水利用效率等因素,推荐辽西半干旱地区浅埋式滴灌适宜的灌溉定额范围为2908.0~3816.4m~3·hm~(-2)。 Through the canopy control irrigation experiment in the semiarid area of ​​western Liaoning, the effects of different irrigation quotas on the water consumption characteristics, grain yield and water use efficiency of spring maize were analyzed. The results showed that: the water consumption of shallow drip irrigation during the growth period showed a fluctuating trend, and the water consumption was greater during the jointing-heading and filling-harvesting phases, while the higher water consumption intensity occurred during the jointing-heading and heading-filling stages; With the increase of irrigation quota, the grain yield increased significantly among different treatments, and the increase of 100-grain weight and spike-grain number of yield components was the main reason for the increase of grain yield. Compared with the conventional furrow irrigation control, the irrigation quota (2908.0 m ~ 3 · hm -2), the conventional irrigation was 30% water saving and the grain yield decreased by only 3.4%, while the water use efficiency and irrigation water utilization efficiency increased significantly by 22.1% and 27.5% respectively The grain yield and the irrigation quota showed a quadratic parabola relationship. When the irrigation quota was less than 3816.4 m ~ 3 · hm -2, the grain yield increased significantly with the increase of irrigation quota until the maximum output reached 12161.9 kg · hm ~ (-2). When the irrigation quota was more than 3816.4m ~ 3 · hm -2, grain yield decreased. Considering the factors such as yield, water use efficiency and irrigation water use efficiency, it is recommended that the appropriate irrigation quota for shallow drip irrigation in semiarid area of ​​western Liaoning is 2908.0 ~ 3816.4m ~ 3 · hm -2.
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目的评价天智颗粒治疗血管性痴呆的治疗效果。方法 108例血管性痴呆患者随机分为2组,分别是对照组50例,试验组58例。对照组给予脑复康0.8g/次,3次/d,试验组患者给予天智颗粒,