Analytic Solution of Elasto-Plastic Stress in Infinite Slope under Uniform Load

来源 :China Ocean Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:feiyang187
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-According to the Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion,the stress field of the infinite slope is derivedunder a vertical uniform load q on the top of the slope.It is indicated that elastic and elasto-plastic stateswould occur in the slope.When q is smaller than the critical load,q_p,the slope is in the elastic state.Ifq equals q_p,the slope is in the critical state,and the plastic deformation would occur along the critical an-gle.With the increase of q,the plastic zone would extend,and the slope is in the elasto-plastic state.Ifq equals limit load,the slope is in the limit equilibrium state.The slope may be divided into three zones.Some charts of the critical angle,the critical and limit load coefficients are presented in this paper. -According to the Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion,the stress field of the infinite slope is derivedunder a vertical uniform load q on the top of the slope.It is indicated that elastic and elasto-plastic stateswould happen on the slope.When q is smaller The the critical load,q_p,the slope is in the elastic state.Ifq equals q_p,the slope is in the critical state,and the plastic deformation would occur along the critical an-gle.With the increase of q,the plastic zones would The slope, and the slope is in the elasto-plastic state.Ifq equals limit load,the slope is in the limit equilibrium state.The slope may be divided into three zones.Some charts of the critical angle,the critical and limit load Presented in this paper.
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