一、前言蚂蝗是环节动物门蛭纲动物的通称。据我们1965年春在浙江省鄞县的调查,水田中蚂蝗的主要种类有日本医蛭Hirudo nipponia Whitman、宽体金线蛭Whitmaniapigra(Whitman)、光润金线蛭Whitmania laevis(Baim)、茶色蛭Haemopis acranulata(Whitman)、黄色蛭Haemopis gracilis Moore、韦氏白勃石蛭Barbroniaweberi(Blanchard)及勃氏齿蛭Odontobdella blanchard:(Oka)7种。其中日本医蛭嗜吸人畜血液,而且数量最多,分布最广。在其大量发生的地区,对农民的健康有很大影响。据当地老农反映:每人每年因这种蚂蝗的侵扰而至少要损失1斤半血。广大社员迫切要求早日消灭这一敌害。为此,我们对水田蚂蝗(主要为日本医蛭)开展了生物学和防治的研究。防治水田蚂蝗的方法,过去已有过一些报导,但资料比较零散,工作方法和结果各有不同,所以,我们在
First, the preface Leech locus is a generic term for the hirundidae animal. According to our survey in the spring of 1965 in Yin County, Zhejiang Province, the main species of Lepidoptera in paddy fields are Hirudo nipponia Whitman, Whitmania pigra (Whitman), Whitmania laevis (Baim), Haemopis acranulata Whitman, Haemopis gracilis Moore, Barbroniaweberi (Blanchard) and Odontobdella blanchard: (Oka). Japan leeches to absorb human blood, and the largest number, the most widely distributed. In its large area of occurrence, the health of peasants has a great impact. According to the local farmers reflect: each person every year because of this leech infestation and loss of at least 1 kg half blood. The broad masses of members urgently demand that the enemy be eliminated as soon as possible. To this end, we conducted a study of biology and control of paddy field leech (mainly Japanese leech). There have been some reports in the past about the methods of preventing and treating paddy fields and leeches, but the data are fragmented and the working methods and results are different. Therefore, we are at