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小康是我国人民衡量生活质量的一个概念,是生活水平介于温饱和富裕之间的一个发展阶段。过上小康生活是浙江人民祖祖辈辈的梦想和追求。改革开放以后,邓小平同志第一次提出把人民生活实现小康作为我国社会主义现代化建设的奋斗目标,并指出了达到小康的具体要求,即到20世纪末,人均国民生产总值达到800美元。1987年党的十二大正式将实现小康列为“三步走”发展战略的第二步目标,并把小康生活具体描述为:在温饱的基础卜,生活质量进一步提高,生活资料更加丰富,消费结构趋于合理,居住条件明显改善,文化生活进一步丰富,健康水平继续提高,社会服务设施不断改善。小康目标的提出,唤起了广大人民群众对于发展的广泛认同,激发了人们建设社会主义现代化的巨大热情。二十多年来,在党的正确领导下,勤劳智慧的浙江人民充分发扬“自强不息、坚韧不拔、勇于创新、讲求实效”的精神,牢牢抓住机遇,坚定不移地放手发展社会主义市场经济,不断克服前进道路中的各种艰难困苦,朝着“奔向小康”这样一个实实在在的目标不断迈进,实现了由温饱到总体上达到小康的伟大跨越。 A well-to-do life is a concept used by our people to measure the quality of life and is a stage of development in which the standard of living lies between the rich and the rich. Having a well-to-do life is the dream and pursuit of generations of Zhejiang people. After the reform and opening up, Comrade Deng Xiaoping put forward for the first time the goal of realizing a well-off society for people’s well-being in our socialist modernization drive and pointed out the specific requirement of achieving a well-off society. By the end of the 20th century, the per capita GNP reached 800 U.S. dollars. In 1987, the 12th National Congress of the Party formally established the well-off society as the second goal of the “three-step” development strategy and described the well-off life as a concrete example: on the basis of adequate food and clothing, the quality of life is further improved, the living materials are richer, The consumption structure tended to be reasonable, living conditions were significantly improved, cultural life was further enriched, health level continued to improve, and social service facilities continued to improve. The proposal of a well-to-do goal aroused the broad masses of people’s widespread recognition of development and stimulated people’s great enthusiasm in building socialist modernization. Over the past two decades or so, under the correct leadership of the party, the hard-working and wise people in Zhejiang have fully implemented the spirit of “self-improvement, perseverance, innovation, and effectiveness” and firmly seized the opportunity to unswervingly devote themselves to the development of socialism Market economy and continuously overcome various difficulties and hardships in the road of progress and continuously move forward with such a realistic goal of “moving toward a moderately prosperous life,” and achieve a great leap forward from adequate food and clothing to well-off society as a whole.
如果说“9·11”之后,不少美国人在心理上进入了一个“不确定的年代”;那么,中共十六大之后,越来越多的中国人感到,他们正步入一个“确定的未来”。对于明天,他们的预期更稳定了,也更清晰了。    看起来真的是挺好的    看起来真的是挺好的。当 2002年过去的时候,中国收获了这样一连串数字——国内生产总值首次突破10万亿元,比上年增长8%,全年固定资产投资额和社会商品零售总额均超过4万亿元,对外贸
最后一位葬在大教堂的腓特烈九世国王的座右铭是这样写的:“With God for Denmark!”(愿上帝和丹麦同在)。灵魂已升入天堂,肉体有一席之地足矣。这座与丹麦信奉基督教的历史
2002年我国宏观经济运行并没有出现前几年常见的“前高后低”的走势,各月份的主要宏观经济指标大都好于预期,经济增速呈逐季加快的走势,全年 GDP 达到102397.90亿元,增长8.0
近年来经常看到或听到“×霸”一类的词,归纳起来有这样两种类型: 1.主要用于人,指某一行业的为非作歹之徒。如“油霸”“电霸”“煤霸”“菜霸”“鱼霸”“路霸”“车霸”