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职业学校是培养社会需要的中等专业技术人才的场所,要想培养出合格的人才,课堂教学是极为重要的。然而目前中职学校课堂教学现状却不容乐观。众多职业学校企业管理类专业课程的实践性教学环节面临着发展滞后的局面。学生厌学情绪严重,学风不正,不配合教师的授课,对教师的授课启而不发。这样就容易导致高职课堂教学效率低下,学生很难得到好的发展。因此,在实践教学中引用企业经营管理的模式,将走出校门的要求与应用现 Vocational schools are the places where secondary professional and technical personnel needed by the society are trained. In order to train qualified personnel, classroom teaching is extremely important. However, the current situation of classroom teaching in vocational schools is not optimistic. Many professional schools of business management professional courses facing the practical aspects of the development of lagging behind. Students are tired of schooling, emotional style is not correct, do not cooperate with the teacher’s teaching, the teacher’s instruction does not start. This will easily lead to inefficient classroom teaching in high vocational, difficult for students to get good development. Therefore, in the practice of teaching reference to business management model will be out of school requirements and application
·石油地质·哥伦比亚上Magdalena河谷Quebrada Oeal剖面白奎系黑色页岩有机相变化、 生油岩潜力及海平面变化(英)···························
Greenish clays often occur as thin layers in Early Cretaceous shallow-water carbonatesediments of Istria where they mark the top of fining upwards sequences. W
A fruit of Eucommia has been recovered from the Eocene of Fushun, Liaoning Province. This represents the only confirmed occurrence of fruits of this genus in t
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胃粘膜癌前病变是胃癌发生过程中的重要阶段 ,是指具有恶变潜能的胃粘膜病理学改变 ,主要包括肠生化、异型增生和腺瘤[1] 。由正常胃粘膜到胃癌不仅是顺次的形态学改变 ,而且
骨髓增生异常综合征(myelodysplastic syndromes,MDS)是一组异质性的克隆性血液系统疾病,其疾病特征是骨髓衰竭和向急性白血病的转化。随着对本病认识的不断深入及诊断技术的