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为探讨河北地区土壤环境对蚯蚓多样性的影响,采用挖掘法收集土壤与蚯蚓样品,蚯蚓个体清水洗净后放在吸水纸上吸干水分,称其鲜重,随后使用75%乙醇处死蚯蚓,全部个体保存于95%乙醇。个体形态鉴定依据《中国陆栖蚯蚓》。结果表明:在河北地区共记录12种蚯蚓,隶属于3科,6属。日本杜拉蚓(21.00条/m~2)、天锡杜拉蚓(14.09条/m~2)与梯形流蚓(16.91条/m~2)为该地区优势种。各采样点蚯蚓密度是8~216条/m~2,蚯蚓总鲜重1.60~530.12g/m~2。玉米地的物种多样性指数最大(0.84),杨树林最小(0.451);杨树林的优势度指数最大(0.398),玉米地最小(0.179);玉米地的物种均匀度指数最高(0.365),杨树林最低(0.325);卷心菜地的丰富度指数最高(1.594),杨树林则最小(0.662)。卷心菜地与玉米地2种生境之间的物种相似度最高(0.80)。河北地区土壤为弱碱性,pH为7.52~8.96;有机质含量为0.12%~3.42%。全氮含量为0.01%~0.20%。速效磷含量最小含量为1.56mg/kg,最大值为270.76mg/kg。速效钾含量最小含量为60mg/kg,最大值为825mg/kg。卷心菜地有机质含量(1.689%)稍高于其他生境。各生境的全氮含量均偏低。玉米地速效磷含量(22.149mg/kg)略高于总体均值,且高于杨树林、卷心菜地的磷含量。卷心菜地速效钾含量最高(249.035mg/kg),杨树林速效钾、速效磷含量最低(184.454和6.175mg/kg)。河北中部地区速效钾含量最高(266.663mg/kg),东部为最低(110.478mg/kg)。北部地区速效磷含量较高(37.711mg/kg),东部地区最低(4.175mg/kg)。结论:土壤pH、有机质、全氮含量、作物类型是蚯蚓物种密度的关键影响因素。 In order to investigate the influence of soil environment on the diversity of earthworm in Hebei Province, soil and earthworm samples were collected by digging method. After the individual earthworms were washed with water and absorbed on absorbent paper, the fresh weight of water was measured, then earthworms were sacrificed with 75% ethanol, All individuals are kept in 95% ethanol. Identification of individual forms based on “China terrestrial earthworms.” The results showed that 12 species of earthworms were recorded in Hebei Province, belonging to 3 families and 6 genera. The dominant species in this area were Japanese earthworm (21.00 / m 2), earthworm (14.09 / m 2) and tracheid earthworm (16.91 / m 2). The earthworm density of each sampling point was 8 ~ 216 / m ~ 2, and the total fresh weight of earthworms was 1.60 ~ 530.12g / m ~ 2. The highest species diversity (0.84) and poplar forest (0.451) were observed in the corn field, the highest (0.398) and the lowest (0.179) in the poplar forest, the highest species uniformity index (0.365) in the corn field and the lowest 0.325). The cabbage field had the highest abundance index (1.594) and the poplar forest (0.662). Species similarity between the cabbage and corn habitats was highest (0.80). Hebei soil is weakly alkaline, pH 7.52 ~ 8.96; organic matter content of 0.12% ~ 3.42%. Total nitrogen content of 0.01% to 0.20%. Available phosphorus content of the minimum content of 1.56mg / kg, the maximum value of 270.76mg / kg. Available potassium content minimum content of 60mg / kg, the maximum value of 825mg / kg. Cabbage organic matter content (1.689%) slightly higher than other habitats. The total nitrogen content of habitats are low. Available phosphorus content in corn (22.149 mg / kg) was slightly higher than the overall average and higher than that in poplar and cabbage. The content of available potassium in cabbage was the highest (249.035mg / kg), the available potassium in poplar and the lowest content of available phosphorus (184.454 and 6.175mg / kg). The highest available potassium (266.663 mg / kg) in central Hebei and the lowest (110.478 mg / kg) in the eastern part of Hebei Province. The available phosphorus content in the northern part was higher (37.711 mg / kg) and the lowest in the eastern part (4.175 mg / kg). Conclusion: Soil pH, organic matter, total nitrogen content and crop type are the key influencing factors of earthworm species density.
目的 :分析厂矿等国有企业医院的挑战与机遇,并从服务方式、内容、多组织协同等方面分析其参与健康管理的服务模式。方法 :文献研究法与质性研究法。结果 :厂矿等企业医院在
结合珠海华发广场商住楼深基坑支护工程实例 ,介绍一种复合型支护、止水结构形式。