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赴英留学成绩优异身材窈窕,秀发飘逸,第一眼见到从比利时回国探亲的张莉,不由感到眼前一亮。张莉出生在山东青岛市一个知识分子家庭,读中学 Outstanding achievements in studying in the United Kingdom stunt, hair elegant, the first sight to see Zhang Li from Belgium to visit relatives, could not help but shines. Zhang Li was born in Qingdao, Shandong, an intellectual family, high school
在交通发达、车辆增多的今天,当心汽油中毒的发生不能不引起司机与汽车修理人员充分注意。 假如在狭小与通风不良的汽车修理间,泼洒于地的大量汽油未及处理而继续干活,假如
We report a case of an isolated hepatic neoplasia which originated in a site of the liver previously affected by radiation induced liver disease (RILD) in a pat
Image mosaicking is widely used in Geographic Information Systems(GISs) for largescale ground surface analysis. However, most existing mosaicking methods can only be used in offline processing due to
This paper introduces the sea-launch technology of a cryogenic liquid-fueled medium-lift rocket. It first reviews the current state of sea launch technology, and then gives a brief introduction of Chi
Swirl brakes are usually introduced at the seal entrance in industry to improve the seal stability, especially for labyrinth seals suffering low seal clearance