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这是一篇尝试把控制论方法引入档案管理工作的文章。所谓“黑箱”,指的是具有某种功能,但其内部结构无法直接观测,而只能从外部间接认识的系统,如人脑就可被视为是一个黑箱。上述概念后来发展成控制论的基本方法之一——“黑箱方法”。这种方法认为:由于系统结构具有稳定性,系统的输入与输出之间会表现出一定的稳定关系。在还不了解系统的内部结构的情况下,人们可以根据系统过去的输入输出关系,来预测未来系统在一定条件下会出现的输出反应,并据此模拟系统的构造。由于黑箱方法避免涉及系统的内部结构和相互作用的细节,只是从总体行为上描述和把握系统,预测系统的行为,因此它在应用于处理一些内部结构十分复杂的系统时效果极为显著。在建立起黑箱式的输入输出模型后,只需观察研究为数不多的输入输出变量,就可使这个复杂系统成为我们有能力去定量研究的系统。本文作者认为鉴定就是一个未被充分理解的复杂过程,把它看作是一个黑箱,从而在此提出了一个由三个模块织成的鉴定决策模型,用以取代以谢伦伯格观点为代表的美国传统鉴定方法;并把它应用于一组大学行政管理文件的鉴定工作,作为实例加以说明。一旦模型建立成功,以后只要按项输入有关数据,就可得出结论,从而大大简化复杂的鉴定过程。通过此文我们可以看到国外档案学界一些动向,对我们今天考虑如何把科学新方法应用于档案学研究无疑有一定参考价值。作者博尔斯是密歇根大学本特利历史图书馆负责大学文件鉴定和处理工作的助理档案员(相当于我国的副研究馆员)。另一位作者扬曾在1982年时担任该图书馆的负责参考咨询和大学文件的助理档案员。本文原是他们在参加1983年关于本特利历史图书馆所藏现代历史文件的研讨班时所写论文,发表于《美国档案工作者》杂志1985年第2期上。 This is an article trying to bring cybernetic approach to file management. The so-called “black box” refers to a system that has a certain function, but whose internal structure can not be directly observed, and can only be indirectly recognized from the outside, such as the human brain can be regarded as a black box. The concept was later developed into one of the basic methods of cybernetics - the “black box approach.” This method considers: Due to the stability of the system structure, the input and output of the system will show some stability. Without knowing the internal structure of the system, one can predict the output response of the future system under certain conditions according to the past input-output relationship of the system and simulate the structure of the system accordingly. Because the black box method avoids the details about the internal structure and interaction of the system, it only describes and grasps the system from the overall behavior and predicts the behavior of the system. Therefore, it is extremely effective when it is applied to dealing with some systems with very complicated internal structures. After establishing a black-box I / O model, simply observing one of the few I / O variables can make this complex system our ability to do quantitative research. The author considers appraisal as an incompletely understood and complex process, which is regarded as a black box, so here a three-module appraisal decision model is proposed to replace the United States, represented by Schlumberger Traditional methods of identification; and apply it to the appraisal of a group of university administration documents, as an example to illustrate. Once the model has been established successfully, as soon as the relevant data are entered by item, conclusions can be drawn, greatly simplifying the complex qualification process. Through this article, we can see some trends in the field of foreign archives, and it is undoubtedly valuable to us to consider how to apply the new scientific method to archival studies today. Author Bowers is the assistant archivist (equivalent to our associate research librarian) responsible for the university document identification and processing at the Bentley Historical Library at the University of Michigan. Another author, Jan Young, served as assistant archivist for reference and university documents at the library in 1982. This article was originally published in the journal Archives of America, No. 2, 1985, when they participated in the 1983 seminar on modern history in the Bentley Historical Library.
能力与开发 一个人的智商无论高低,都有许多潜能,在一生之中,用过的潜能往往只有百分之一、千分之一、甚至万分之一。 当我们从商场买回一套西装,引起注意的是西装的款式;西
档案利用的理论与实践,是衡量国家信息资源开发程度的重要标志。从一个侧面反映国家经济、社会、科学技术的发展情况。 (一) 档案利用的含义档案利用,是档案工作中一项具有