在不确定的世界中把握确定性 莫布森,用方程算出实力与运气

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为什么网球明星的成绩很稳定,而足球队的成绩起伏很大?为什么女模特炒股比专业操盘手还厉害?为什么有的歌曲比其他歌曲更流行?为什么颠覆性创新总来源于小公司?……这个世界上几乎所有事情的成败都取决于实力和运气两种因素,但很多人经常把二者搞混或弄错,更不清楚它们各自占多大比重。想要弄清楚自己有多少实力,有多少运气,美国人迈克尔·莫布森或许能助你一臂之力。在新书《实力、运气与成功》中,莫布森尝试用复杂的科学理论和思维方式,用方程式来解读实力和运气 Why tennis star’s performance is very stable, and the football team’s ups and downs? Why female stock specs is more powerful than professional trader? Why some songs are more popular than other songs? Why disruptive innovation always come from small companies? ...... This The success or failure of almost everything in the world depends on both strength and luck, but many often confuse or mistake the two, much less about how much each is. To find out how much strength and luck you have, Michael Maubson, a U.S. citizen, might help you. In the new book, “Strength, Luck and Success,” Maubusen attempts to interpret strength and fortune in complex scientific theories and ways of thinking
CIENA/IDN在北京与四大电信运营商 :中国电信、中国移动、中国联通、中国铁通的高层技术领导分别举行了CIENA/IDN智能光网络研讨会。CIENA在中国的合资企业———北京IDN电信系统有限公司具体组织并主持
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让梁振英追了4年  据报道,唐青仪出生在香港,比梁振英小3岁。因为父亲从商,她从小的生活还算富足。而梁振英的家庭则十分清苦,父亲是警察,母亲是家庭妇女,还有姐姐和妹妹,全家人生活在与十几户人家共用一个厕所的公屋。1974年,梁振英去英国布里斯托读书,唐青仪也曾在这里学习。  据说两人的相识十分浪漫。1976年暑假,在一次校友聚会上,大家围坐在楼顶露台。黄昏时分,唐青仪弹着吉他,唱了一首老歌,梁振英
  Adequate maturation and integration of the adult-generated neurons into the circuit of the hippocampus would be crucial for normal cognitive functions and e