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2014年5月,中国农药销售百强企业榜单正式发布;2013年,受草甘膦价格上升的利好推动,多家主要草甘膦原药生产企业业绩大增。当业内为“农药行业的集中度越来越高,企业规模实力不断增强”、“10亿元以上企业达到前所未有的31家”而沾沾自喜时,笔者却怎么也高兴不起来,反而是为中国农药行业的发展感到十分担忧。中国农药要在全球市场拥有更大的影响力,靠原药是行不通的,制剂才是利器。依靠代加工、掠夺式的原药生产,永远不可能把中国农药做大做强,也永远实现不了 In May 2014, the list of top 100 pesticide sales companies in China was officially released. In 2013, due to the favorable price increase of glyphosate, the performance of many major manufacturers of glyphosate drugs increased significantly. When the industry is “the concentration of the pesticide industry is getting higher and higher, the scale of enterprises continue to increase”, “more than 1 billion yuan to reach an unprecedented 31 enterprises,” and complacent, but how happy the author is not up, but Is very worried about the development of China’s pesticide industry. Chinese pesticides to have a greater influence in the global market, rely on the original drug will not work, the preparation is the weapon. Rely on behalf of the processing, predatory production of the original drug will never be able to make Chinese pesticides bigger and stronger, and will never be realized
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