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历史文献的传播常因版本再造,而既失复得,或虽得复失。宋干道间石■编次《中庸集解》刊印行世,后复经朱熹删订,改名《中庸辑略》,与《中庸章句》、《或问》并刻行世,《集解》原本遂转而湮晦不显,是朱子《辑略》得而石■《集解》失。明嘉靖中吕信卿据唐顺之藏宋本重刻《辑略》,率意删节条目,变换体式,且为历代传刻沿袭,朱子原本真貌反至湮晦无闻,是明本《辑略》得而《辑略》原本失。清道光间莫友芝从宋卫湜《礼记集说》中辑得《十先生中庸集解》,详加校注,寿诸梨枣,是石■《集解》既失而复得。迩来“中华善本再造”影印国家图书馆藏宋刻《中庸辑略》,流布宇内,裨益学林,是《辑略》原本既失而复得。可见因版本再造而导致文献的失传或失真,或因无心或由有意;并知版本再造之旨,最在求真复原。 The dissemination of historical documents is often reconstructed due to the version, which is either lost or lost. The Song Dynasty Road between stone ■ ■ “Collection of the Mean” published in print, after the revision by Zhu Xi, renamed the “Golden Mean”, and “Mediocre chapter”, “or asked” and carved the world, “Settlement” the original Then turn obscure obscure, is Zhu “Book” get stone ■ “Set solution” lost. Ming Jiajing Lu Zhongqing According to Tang Shunzhi carved the Song re-engraved “series”, deliberately deleted items, change the style, and for successive generations follow, Zhu originally turned out to be obscure, is the “version” of the “ Edit a little ”had lost. Moore Road, Clearing Room Mo Youzhi from the Song Weijie “Book of Rites set” in the series “Ten gentleman collection solution”, detailed plus school notes, birthday pear, is a stone ■ “Set solution” both lost and recovered. Recently, “Reproducing China’s Rare Books,” photocopying the National Library of Song Dynasty “Mediocre”, shed cloth within the benefits of learning forest, is the “Edit” originally lost both. Can be seen because of the version of the resulting loss of literature or distortion, or because of carelessness or by intention; and version of the purpose of reconstruction, the most truth seeking recovery.
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