
来源 :中华皮肤科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zuochangfeng
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目的:分析总结Reed痣的临床病理特点。方法:分析2015年1月至2019年6月于第四军医大学西京皮肤医院确诊的26例Reed痣患者的临床病理特征。结果:男15例,女11例,平均发病年龄17.35岁,中位发病年龄13.85岁。发病部位:下肢12例,面部6例,上肢5例,躯干3例。皮疹颜色均呈黑色,7例为斑疹,19例为扁平丘疹,22例皮疹形态类圆形,4例皮疹形态不规则。皮疹直径2 ~ 10 mm,23例直径≤ 5 mm。组织病理:15例为交界痣,11例为混合痣,26例黑素细胞形态均呈梭形,细胞色素明显,4例痣细胞巢与周围表皮融合,22例与周围表皮形成明显的裂隙,均未见明显细胞异型性及有丝分裂象,6例可见Kamino小体。皮损均予手术切除,随访1 ~ 5年无复发。结论:Reed痣皮疹形态可不规则,组织病理可出现呈Paget样分布的大小不一梭形细胞,需与黑素瘤鉴别。“,”Objective:To analyze clinical and pathological features of Reed nevi (pigmented spindle cell nevi) .Methods:The clinical and pathological data were collected from 26 patients with Reed nevi, who visited Department of Dermatology of Xijing Hospital from January 2015 to June 2019, and analyzed retrospectively.Results:Among the 26 patients, 15 were males, and 11 were females. Their average age of onset was 17.35 years, and median age of onset was 13.85 years. Reed nevi occurred predominantly on the lower limbs (12 cases) , followed by the face (6 cases) , upper limbs (5 cases) and trunk (3 cases) . All the skin lesions were black in color, and 7 cases presented with maculae, 19 with flat papules, 22 with quasi-circular skin lesions, and 4 with irregular skin lesions. The diameter of skin lesions ranged from 2 to 10 mm, and 23 cases had skin lesions with a diameter of ≤ 5 mm. As histopathological examination showed, pathological subtypes included junctional nevus (15 cases) and compound nevus (11 cases) ; melanocytes were spindle-shaped with obvious cytochromes in 26 cases; nevus cell nests merged with the surrounding epidermis in 4 cases, and obvious fissures were formed between nevus cell nests and the surrounding epidermis in 22 cases; no obvious cell atypia or mitotic figure was observed in any of the 26 cases, and Kamino bodies were observed in 6 cases. All the skin lesions were resected by surgery, and no recurrence was observed during the follow-up of 1 - 5 years.Conclusion:Reed nevi can manifest as irregular lesions, pagetoid distribution of spindle cells of various sizes can be observed histopathologically, and they need to be differentiated from melanoma.
法国著名作家雨果曾说:“人类有两种史书,两种记录簿、两种经典——建筑与印刷品;一个是石头史书、一个是纸的史书。” 溯寻人类历史,从结草为庐的远古开始,人类便不断改善
新星1号:植株中等,直立;叶椭圆;果圆锥形,结果集中,最大单果重76克,亮红色,较耐贮运,抗病适应性强,休眠短,成熟早,华北保护地11月下旬成熟,连续结果5个月,最高667m2产4000千克,也是南方露地栽培优良品种, 667m2栽