1927年4月12日,国民党反动派举起屠刀,向曾经是战友、同志的中国共产党人砍去。一时腥风血雨、哀鸿遍野,中国革命面临着生死存亡的严峻关头。 8月1日,周恩来、朱德、陈毅、贺龙等发动南昌起义,打响了向国民党反动派的第一枪。8月7日,中共中央在湖北汉口召开“八七”会议,批判了陈独秀右倾机会主义错误,决定建立真正的革命军队,以武装反抗国民党的无耻叛变与血腥屠杀。 依照“八七”会议精神,全国各地相继爆发了秋收起义、广州起义等一系列武装暴动。由于当时的目标是攻占城市,在敌我力量极端悬殊的情况下,相继失败了。坚持下来的主要是毛泽东率领的秋收起义部队和朱德、陈毅率领的南昌起义部队。
On April 12, 1927, the Kuomintang reactionaries lifted the butcher knife and cut off the Chinese Communists who were once comrades in arms and comrades. A moment of reign of terror and devastation, the Chinese revolution is facing a critical moment of life and death. On August 1, Zhou Enlai, Zhu De, Chen Yi and He Long launched the Nanchang Uprising and started the first shot at the Kuomintang reactionaries. On August 7, the CPC Central Committee held a “August 7” meeting in Hankou, Hubei Province. It criticized Chen Duxiu’s mistaken right opportunism and decided to establish a genuine revolutionary army to rebel against the shameless mutiny and bloody massacre of the Kuomintang. In accordance with the spirit of the “August 7” Conference, a series of armed uprisings such as the Autumn Harvest Uprising and the Guangzhou Uprising broke out in various parts of the country. Since the goal at that time was to capture the cities, they failed one after another in the face of extremely disproportionate forces between the enemy and ourselves. Maintained down mainly by the autumn harvest insurrection led by Mao Zedong and Zhu De, Chen Yi led the Nanchang Uprising troops.