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“十五”期间辽宁经济结构的战略性调整力度将进一步加大,国有企业改革要向纵深发展,减人减债,扶强做大的力度要进一步加大。就业形势比较严竣,部分群众生活困难问题比较突出。与此同时,未来五年,迎接人口老龄化高峰的到来;改善人们的心理预期,进一步扩大消费,促进经济持续快速增长;实现比较充分的就业等等。所有这些无不要求撑起社会保护伞。 社会保护伞在哪里?如何撑起社会保护伞?目前基本养老、失业、基本医疗、工伤和生育等社会保险项目按国家规定的范围是否实现了全覆盖?城镇居民低生活保障制度是否发挥了“最后一条保障线”的作用?社会保障对象的管理和服务是否真正实现了社会化?社会保障资金对象的管理和服务是否真正实现了社会化?社会保障资金的监督和管理机制是否健全和完善并切实发挥功能?目前确定的基本保障标准是否既符合社会保 During the “Tenth Five-Year Plan” period, the strategic adjustment of Liaoning’s economic structure will be further intensified. The reform of state-owned enterprises will develop in depth and reduce the debt, so as to further strengthen and strengthen the economy. Employment situation is more stringent, some of the masses living problems more prominent. In the meantime, in the next five years, we will meet the peak of population aging, improve people’s psychological expectations, further expand consumption, promote sustained and rapid economic growth, and achieve more adequate employment. All of this calls for a social umbrella. Where is the social protection umbrella? How to hold up the social umbrella? At present, whether the social security items such as the basic old-age, unemployment, basic medical treatment, work-related injury and childbirth have achieved the full coverage according to the scope stipulated by the state and whether the low-living guarantee system for urban residents have played a “ The protection of the line ”role? The social security object management and services have really become social? Social security funds object management and services have truly socialized? Social security funds monitoring and management mechanism is perfect and perfect and effectively play Function? Is the current basic guarantee standard consistent with social security?
目的 探讨神经电生理在慢性正已烷中毒性周围神经病治疗转归随访过程中的实用价值。方法 随访15例慢性正已烷中毒性周围神经病患者治疗1年后的神经电生理变化,检查指标包括四
目的 比较前列地尔和丹参注射液对急性脑梗死的治疗作用。方法 将115例急性脑梗死患者分为前列地尔组(61例)和丹参组(54例),观察两组患者临床神经功能缺损情况和病情程度,检测血小