(一) 傅依备投身于核科学事业,似乎是命运的安排。 青年时期的傅依备,可以说是一帆风顺:1953年大学毕业后分配到中国科学院长春综合研究所工作。1955年10月至1960年6月,他先后在苏联列宁格勒大学和列宁格勒苏维埃工学院研究生院学习,利用所掌握的理论基础和丰富的科研经验,在苏联放射化学权威学术刊物上发表了7篇论文,并获得副博士学位。回国后在清华大学任教。 在1963年春节的前一天,傅依备突然接到通知,要他到新的工作岗位报到。他大半生的命运就这样决定了。
(A) Fu Yibing devoted himself to nuclear science, seems to be a fate arrangement. Fu Yibi in his youth can be said to be smooth: After graduating from college in 1953, he was assigned to the Changchun Institute of Comprehensive Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences. From October 1955 to June 1960, he successively studied at the Leningrad University in the Soviet Union and the Graduate School of the Soviet Academy of Engineering in Leningrad. Using the theoretical foundation and rich scientific research experience he published in the authoritative academic journal of radiology in the Soviet Union 7 papers, and vice doctoral degree. After returning to teach at Tsinghua University. On the day before the Spring Festival in 1963, Fu Yibai suddenly received a notice asking him to report to his new job. The fate of most of his life is so decided.