
来源 :中国卫生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhongqiwen
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在2006年继续深入开展医院管理年工作会议上,卫生部副部长黄洁夫指出: 医院公益性质淡化,有片面追求经济利益的倾向我国有18000多所医院,绝大多数均为政府管理的非营利医院,是社会主义公益性的医疗机构。但是近年来,不少医院追求的发展目标出现了偏差,有些医院过分追求的是经济利益,全心全意为人民群众服务的宗旨淡漠。出现这种状况,当然有很多原因,有体制上的原因,有机制上的原因,也有我们管理上的原因,有我们队伍之外的原因,也有我们队伍内部的原因。——首先是各级政府的卫生投入不足,比重逐年下降,致使公立医院运行机制不合理,出现追求经济利益的倾向。因为医院要生存,要发展,医院的运行变成主要的是向患者收费。据卫生部规财司统计,各级医院年收入中的93%必须通过医疗服务去取得,政府投入仅占医院收入的7%~8%,出现了在医 At the 2006 annual work conference on hospital management, the Vice Minister of Health Huang Jiefu pointed out that the nature of hospital public welfare has been weakened and there is one-sided tendency to pursue economic interests. There are more than 18,000 hospitals in our country, the vast majority of which are government-run non-profit hospitals , Is a socialism non-profit medical institutions. However, in recent years, many hospitals have pursued their development goals and have deviated from their goals. Some hospitals are overly pursuing economic interests and are indifferent to serving the people wholeheartedly. Of course, there are many reasons for this. There are institutional reasons, institutional reasons, reasons for our management, reasons beyond our own ranks, and reasons within our ranks. First, the government at all levels has insufficient investment in health care and its proportion has been declining year by year, resulting in the unreasonable operating mechanism of public hospitals and the propensity of pursuing economic interests. Because the hospital is to survive and develop, the operation of the hospital becomes the primary one to charge patients. According to the statistics compiled by the Ministry of Health and Planning Department, 93% of annual incomes of hospitals at all levels must be obtained through medical services, and the government only accounts for 7% -8% of the hospital’s revenue.
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