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宜兴市是拥有107万人的县级市,1991年完成工农业总产值84.05亿元,其中工业总产值75.30亿元,实现财政收入1.88亿元。宜兴有市级机构(不包括公检法系统)63个,机关行政人员1022人,办公费用逐年升级,大大超过了市财政的实际承受能力,使市财政陷入了“吃饭财政”的困境。加上机构过多,人浮于事,体制不顺,导致市级职能部门的工作不能高效有序的开展,制约着市场经济的发展,制约着经济领域改革的深化。因此,对市级机构进行改革,使其职能转变,最终形成“小机构、大服务”的模式以适应经济领域改革的深化,适应商品经济的发展是十分必要的。本文试述宜兴市市级机关转变职能改革机构所作的探索。 Yixing City is a county-level city with a population of 1.07 million. In 1991, the gross output value of industry and agriculture was 8.405 billion yuan, of which the total industrial output value was 7.53 billion yuan and the revenue was 188 million yuan. Yixing has 63 municipal-level agencies (excluding the public security and prosecution system) and 1022 administrative and administrative personnel. The escalating office expenses have greatly exceeded the actual affordability of the municipal finance and put the city’s finance in the dilemma of “eating and financing.” Coupled with too many agencies, people floating in things, the system is not smooth, resulting in the work of municipal departments can not be efficient and orderly, restricting the development of the market economy, restricting the deepening of economic reforms. Therefore, it is necessary to reform the municipal-level institutions and transform their functions to eventually form a “small-organization and big-service” model so as to adapt to the deepening of economic reform and to adapt to the development of the commodity economy. This article attempts to explore Yixing municipal authorities to transform the functional reform agencies to explore.
一般太极拳的基本教学步骤:第一步,先教基本架势,手法步法,使学生建立明确的基本动作概念:第二步,进行分段教学,套路与单式动作同时进行,初期以套路动作为主,单式动作为辅,后期在巩固套路的同时,以改善动作为主。这只是个笼统的说法,大致的概述了太极拳教学的一般步骤。依我看来学习和式太极拳应从以下三个方面入手:    一、首先,要明确和式太极拳的特点    和式太极拳除具有其他一般太极拳的特点外,又有自身
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笔者一直负责铅球的训练工作,在队员的心理训练以及赛前调控上积累了一定的经验,希望和各位同行共同探讨。一、赛前异常表现1.紧张。具体症状:小便次数增多,四肢 The author
一 瞿维、张鲁同志: 中国歌剧艺术自从五四以来萌芽,已经六十多年,如果从1945年延安秧歌运动中诞生了新歌剧算起,也有四十一年了。然而,还未能编出一本《中国歌剧史》,我们