
来源 :中国药学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:himayu
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《药和化学》是以传播药学科普知识为宗旨的月刊,16开本,40页。创刊号于1939年3月15日发行。第1卷出版12期,第2卷出版了9期,至1940年12月份停刊。《药和化学》是由一些小人物——上海中法大学药学专修科三年级学生吕秉森、顾钰生、唐国裕、王佑仁,二年级学生刘泽先发起和创办的。我们工作不分彼此,包括刊物的设计、组稿、写稿、编辑和内勤、外勤等,都由我们自己包了下来。这个刊物得到了广大同情者的热情支持。同情者中有中法大学教授恽子强、伍裕万,助教赵少文,以及广大的同学;校外有著名学者许植方、许邦宪等。他们给予稿件和经济(介绍广告)等方面的支持,给了这个刊物以极大的帮助。《药和化学》是在特定的历史条件下,以上海租界这个“孤岛”为基地办起来的。创刊号起初发行2000册,第二期3000册,不久都加印到4000册。以后每期印4000册。由于取得租界当局的登记证及中华邮政暂准按新闻纸类发行,订户远至川、云,贵,并辗转流 Pharmacy and Chemistry is a monthly magazine with the purpose of disseminating popular science knowledge, 16 pages, 40 pages. The first issue of March 15, 1939 issue. Volume 1 is published in 12 issues, Volume 2 is published in 9 issues, and is discontinued in December 1940. “Medicine and Chemistry” was initiated and founded by some small people, such as Lupinen, Gu Yusheng, Tang Guoyu, Wang Youren, a third-year pharmacy major of the Shanghai University of Chinese Medicine in Shanghai and Liu Zexian, a sophomore. We work independently of each other, including the publication of the design, group draft, writing, editing and back office, fieldwork, etc., are all wrapped up by ourselves. This publication has received the enthusiastic support of the majority of sympathizers. Among the sympathizers are Prof. Zi Ziqiang, Wu Yuwan, assistant professor Zhao Shaowen, as well as a large class of students; there are famous scholars Xu Zhifang and Xu Bangxian outside the university. Their support for manuscripts and economics (introduction of advertisements) gave this publication a tremendous amount of help. “Medicine and Chemistry” is based on the “isolated island” in Shanghai’s concession under certain historical conditions. The first issue of the 2000 issue of the first issue, the second issue of 3000, and soon all printed 4000 copies. After each period printed 4000 copies. Due to the obtaining of the registration certificates of the concession authorities and the temporary issuance of Chunghwa Post by newsprint, the subscribers are as far away as Sichuan, Yunnan and Guizhou,
一、无公害水稻产地环境应具备的条件 1.空气质量.标准状态下,二氧化硫日平均浓度每立方米≤0.25毫克,氟化物≤7微克. 2.灌溉水质量.pH值6~8,每升水总汞≤0.001毫克,总镉≤0.