The Butterfly

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  There was once a butterfly. He wanted to choose a very pretty bride (1) from among the flowers. But there were a great number of them,and the butterfly did not like to take too much trouble,so he flew off to visit the daisies(2). The French call this flower “Marguerite,” and they say that the little daisy can prophesy(3). If you ask her,“Does he or she love me—— Very much?A little?Not at all?” and so on,she will give the answer. The butterfly also went to visit Marguerite for help.
  “Darling Marguerite daisy,” he said to her,“you are the wisest woman of all the flowers. Please tell me which of the flowers I should choose for my wife. Which will be my bride?When you tell me,I will fly directly to her,and ask her to marry me.”
  But Marguerite did not answer him?she was very angry. She was only a girl,but the butterfly called her a woman!And there is a great difference. He asked her a second time,and then a third? but she would not answer him. Then the butterfly could do nothing but fly away to start his wooing(4). It was in the early spring,when the crocus(5) and the snowdrop(6) were in full bloom(7).
  “They are very pretty,” thought the butterfly, “charming little lasses(8)but they are rather formal.”
  Then,as the young boy often did,he looked out for the older girls. He next flew to the anemones(9),these were rather sour (10) to his taste. The violet(11),a little too sentimental(12)?the lime-blossoms,too small,and besides(13),there was such a large family of them. The apple-blossoms,though they looked like roses,bloomed today,but might fall off tomorrow,with the first wind that blew?and he thought that a marriage with one of them might last too short a time. The pea-blossom(14) pleased him most of all?she was white and red,graceful and slender(15),and belonged to those domestic(16) maidens who have a pretty appearance(17),and can yet be useful in the kitchen. He was just about to make her an offer,when he saw a pod(18),with a withered(19) flower hanging(20) at the end.
  “Who is that?” he asked.
  “That is my sister,” replied the pea-blossom.
  “Oh,indeed?and you will be like her some day,” said he and he flew away quickly.
  But which one did he like?
  Spring went by,summer was arriving?autumn came,but he had not decided. The flowers now appeared in their most beautiful robes(21). But all in vain? they had not the fresh,fragrant(22) air of youth he longed. For the heart asks for fragrance,even when it is no longer young,and there is very little of that to be found in the dahlias(23) or the dry chrysanthemums(24),therefore(25) the butterfly turned to the mint(26) on the ground. You know,this plant has no blossom?but it is sweet all over,— full of fragrance from head to foot,with the scent(27) of a flower in every leaf.
  “I will take her,” said the butterflyand he made her an offer. But the mint stood silent as she listened to him. At last she said,“Friendship,if you please?as to marrying—no?we are too old to get married. We will be laughed at(28).”   And so it happened that the butterfly got no wife at all. He had waited for too long a time,which is always a bad plan. So the butterfly became an old bachelor(29).
  It was late in the autumn and the cold wind was blowing hard?but luckily the butterfly had got a shelter(30) by chance. It was in a room heated by a stove,and as warm as summer. He thought he could exist(31) here well enough.
  “But it is not enough merely(32) to exist,” said he,“I need freedom,sunshine,and a little flower for a companion(33).”
  Then he flew against the window-pane(34),and was seen and admired by(35) those in the room,who caught him,and stuck(36) him on a pin and watched him curiously .
  “Now I should imagine it is something like being married?for here I am stuck fast(37).” And with this thought he consoled(38) himself a little.
  “That seems a very poor consolation,” said one of the plants in a pot.
  “Ah,” thought the butterfly,“one can’t very well trust these plants in pots?they have too much to do with mankind.”
  (1)bride 新娘
  (3)prophesy 预言
  (4)原形woo, 求爱
  (5)crocus 番红花
  (6)snowdrop 雪花莲
  (7)bloom 盛开
  (8)lasses(单数lass), 少女
  (9)anemones 银莲花
  (10)sour 酸的
  (11)violet 紫罗兰
  (22)fragrant 芳香的
  (23)dahlias 大丽花
  (25)therefore 因此
  (26)mint 薄荷
  (27)scent 香味
  (28)be laughed at被嘲笑
  (30)shelter 藏身处
  (31)exist 存活
  (32)merely 仅仅地
  (35)admired by,被喜欢
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