去年八月二十八日,一輛小汽車駛進舊金山航空港前的停車场。車上走下一個黑頭髮、黄皮膚的中國人,他頭也不回地登上了飛往中國的班機。飛機起飛時,他望着舷窗外林立的摩天大樓,百感交集地自語道。‘別了,美國!’如今,他就坐在我们面前。他叫趙治中,是鄭州新創辦的黄河大學(請参閱本刊今年第二期《黄河大學誕生記》一文——編者)校園里第一个從海外歸來定居的教師。他頭戴一頂普通的鴨舌帽,身穿一件綠棉大衣,說一口地道的河南話,乍一見到他的人,誰也想不到他已離開家鄉三十餘年。 趙治中誕生在中原古城許昌,一九四九年,不到三歲的他就隨全家到了台灣。一九七二年畢業於台灣逢甲大學,後又赴美求學。在田納西州
On August 28 last year, a car drove into the parking lot in front of San Francisco Airport. The car to go down a dark-skinned, yellow-skinned Chinese, he did not fly back to board the flight to China. When the plane took off, he looked at the skyscrapers lined with windows and doors, talking in mixed feelings. ’Farewell, America!’ Now he is sitting in front of us. His name is Zhao Zhizhong, the newly founded Yellow River University in Zhengzhou (see the second issue of this year’s “Birth Note of the Yellow River University,” a compilation of editors) campus first returned from overseas teachers. He was wearing an ordinary cap, wearing a green cotton coat, speaking authentic authentic dialect, at first glance to see his people, no one thought he had left his hometown for more than thirty years. Zhao was born in the ancient city of Xuchang in the Central Plains, in 1949, less than three years old, he went to Taiwan with the whole family. He graduated from Feng Chia University in Taiwan in 1972 and later went to the United States to study. In Tennessee