西安科汇热工技术设计研究所 陕西科汇热工技术有限责任公司

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科汇热工是专门从事热工技术研究、热工产品开发的高新技术企业。公司长期重视技术创新并拥有多项国家专利,2010年工业尾气智能控制燃烧器被列入科技部创新基金资助项目。我公司作为燃烧设备及控制的生产骨干企业是国家标准《生活锅炉经济运行》及《电加热锅炉系统经济运行》的起草单位之一。我公司的主要产品有:工业炉燃烧控制系列产品;工业炉用各类燃烧器;蓄热式燃烧系 Section Department of Thermal Engineering is specialized in thermal technology research, thermal product development of high-tech enterprises. The company has long attached importance to technological innovation and has a number of national patents. In 2010, industrial tail gas intelligent control burners were included in the project funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology Innovation Fund. As one of the drafting units of the national standard “Economic Operation of Domestic Boiler” and “Economic Operation of Electric Heating Boiler System”, our company, as the backbone enterprise of combustion equipment and control, is one of the drafting units. My company’s main products are: industrial furnace combustion control products; industrial furnace with various types of burners; regenerative combustion system
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[小引] 成熟原指植物的果实长到可以收获的程度,泛指生物体发育到完备的阶段。引申来比喻人,是相对于幼稚而言的。人生总是由不成熟走向成熟,关于成熟,你了解些什么,经历过什